Day 18 - Ironbridge to Allscott

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July 26th 2006
Published: July 30th 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Map Day 18

The WrekinThe WrekinThe Wrekin

This is the Wrekin - I walked around it not over it!

Day 18 - Wednesday 26th July

It was great having Zita walking with me yesterday and I think you must agree her guest blog was very good! It was a lot easier walking with someone else and we stopped a lot less than I would have done by myself.

So I left Ironbridge behind this morning and walked up and out of the Severn Valley Gorge. I walked up past a lot of the museums that Ironbridge is famous for and then along the Rope Walk. The name of this path had worried me when I looked at it on the map since I imagined a narrow ledge with a rope to hang on to but it turned out to Rope Walk Meadow where they used to lay the rope out when they were making it! Phew!

The main point of today was to get around the Wrekin. This is a big hill in Shropshire (a sandstone plug just like Ayers Rock/Uluru if your interested) and I was a little bit worried about it since it looked quite steep on my map. Luckily I spotted a way to walk around it without going too far out of my way but it was still a lot of up and downs. Getting over the ridge and looking out northwards I had a fantastic sense of getting nearer to home and for the first time really felt like I might actually finish this journey!

Todays Stats
Start Time - 6:25am
End Time - 11:30am
Miles today - 8.81 miles
Miles Cumulative - 166.29 miles
Steps Today - 18,437
Steps Cumulative - 338,044
Blisters - 2
Chocolate/Granary Bars - 1
Rain - None
Temp @ Noon - 28c

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Hazel WoodHazel Wood
Hazel Wood

This was a beautiful place with the sun and wind coming through the trees.

Tot: 0.166s; Tpl: 0.008s; cc: 10; qc: 55; dbt: 0.128s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb