Some fun facts about Ghana

Published: July 13th 2013
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So tonight I have been researching (really should have been packing).

I have come across some interesting blogs from people who have stayed in Ghana....some of the things I have found out (though these are, of course, heresay) are:

There are lots and lots of lizards. Mainly in bathrooms.

There is often no toilet paper in said bathrooms.

Ghanain food is spicy and oily (I might cry now)

Coca Cola is very popular (hooray!)

I should expect to have the word "Obruni!" shouted at me a lot (means "White person") and people will want to stop and talk to me.

If a taxi is to seat 4, the taxi driver will cram 7 people in before going anywhere.

There is no hot water. None. If you want hot water, you need to boil it.

I'd better not even jokingly agree to marry somebody. If you accept, then you're engaged. And the next day is the wedding.

Traffic is mental. Lots of jams and horn honking.

Red dust gets everywhere.

There are frequent power outages, and nobody seems to know why - they can last hours.

There are lots of pink chickens and blue goats wandering around, as people spraypaint them so they know who each one belongs to.

I get the feeling this is going to be a complete culture shock....but hey. I like different cultures, so this is a good thing!

I think I'm just about packed. As always, I'm disorganized and so stuff is still drying outside on the line overnight. And I realised I don't own a swimsuit. Ah well. Clothes are good to swim in, right? T-shirt and shorts?! They'll dry...

So I'll try my best to update when I can - but no idea how often I will get online.

This is one thing on my bucket list, and after years of wanting to do something like this, it's happening! Yay!


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