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November 25th 2007
Published: November 25th 2007
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Well here I am back in the UK. But only just!

My flight from Tokyo was 12.10. The airport is about 1.5 - 2 hours away by bus so playing safe I booked the 7.25 bus from the Hotel, which promptly arrived and departed on time.
This wasn't going to be my favourite journey as I had without doubt the most annoying person sitting behind me, you can possbily guess their nationality! The annoying person was a perfect back seat driver. She knew where the bus driver should be going to and which roads. I did ask her how many times she had been to Tokyo this was her first visit! All this would of been ok ish, if we hadn't of hit a massive grid lock on the expressway. The traveller behind went into overdrive, she just would not shut up about how the traffic chaos was all the drivers fault, and he should take an exit way. Apparently they were due to take off at 11 am, cutting it a bit fine anway in my book.
The driver did his best and got us to the airport for 10 am which was fine for me and I hope for the Japanese that that Woman and her party left ok!
We had a 747 heading home, which even for me was a little tight on leg room, The flight to Amsterdam was just over 12 hours where I had a four hour layover before heading to Leeds Bradford at 9pm.
Had some nice chats with people, the most interesting was a chinese guy who told me that some of them really do not like the japanese and the reasons why, and how some Chinese believe there will be a war between them again!

So now its Sunday, washing machine doing its thing, pressies all unpacked Its cold outside. Time to plan the next trip! and look at the hundreds of photos I have taken


26th November 2007

No more blogs :-(
Well, thanks for the blogs over the last 2 weeks, really enjoyed it, just a shame there won't be any more. Not sure if I'll ever end up in Japan, but it sounds really interesting and from what you've said, need longer than 2 weeks!
26th November 2007

Dont worry
I plan to return soon, hopefully April next year, Depends on some other things

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