travel day 8: liverpool

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Europe » United Kingdom » England » Merseyside » Liverpool
June 1st 2006
Published: June 3rd 2006
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after staying at a really nice hotel in liverpool, we walked to abert dock and went to a couple of the free museums. the custom and export museum was really kewl and interactive. it showed you all the shit people try to smuggle in and how to tell if someone is smuggling. they showed some animal cruelty stuff like turtle soup, leopard skin, and ivory which well, made me want to kill myself. its usually the cruel stuff from asia and africa that people try to sneak over. i cant believe there is a demand for this shit. afterwards, we went to the liverpool life museum. some of it was interesting, most of it i found kinda boring because im not really into english history. my parents enjoyed it though. i think my dad really liked it because his mom's dad or mom (forgot which) grew up in liverpool where we found out poor russian jewish immigrants stayed there instead of going to canada, the us, or australia because they couldnt afford to go that far. it was also really cold that day and all the locals apparently thought it was a nice day. people werent wearing jackets or sweaters and were wearing flip flops. some local teenage boy ran up to me and said "excuse me" stared at me, then said nevermind. im guessing he thought i was amy lee from a distance but upclose realized it wasnt her. we took another first class virgin express train to get back to london. in case you are reading this and wondering why first class, no i am not from a wealthy family. we booked these tickets months in advanced and when you do that, the difference between first class and coach isnt more than about 20 dollars and it includes BOOZE and food. i had a heinekken. BOY OH BOY DID I ENJOY IT! once we went back to london, i just hung out at the flat and ate whatever leftovers were in the fridge.


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