We've arrived

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July 3rd 2007
Published: July 3rd 2007
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We had quite an adventure just getting here! Our housesitters, Sarah and Young-Jin, drove us to Chicago-O'Hare in plenty of time. We unloaded the luggage at the British Airways gate, only to discover that I had forgotten one of my suitcases. Horrors! I usually pack light and the car was full of luggage, so I blissfully assumed we had every thing. Sarah and Young-Jin kindly went back to our house, got the suitcase, and drove back to the airport. Because of increasing heavy traffic, the whole process took two hours. In the meantime, we kept watching the lines for the security check get longer and longer. By the time my bag arrived, the security check line was halfway down the terminal.
Jay must have looked harried and worried when we checked in. The BA clerk gave us a free upgrade to business class, which turned out to be wonderful. More on that soon. We got in line at the security check. It took 1 1/2 hours just to get to the x-ray machines. By that time we had 10 minutes to go through screening and get on the plane. We were convinced that we wouldn't make and wondering what to do if we missed the plane. In an act of desperation, we showed the people in front of us our boarding passes and asked if we could get in front of them because we were about to miss our plane. A beautiful blonde German lady started to object to us butting in line. We explained our situation very politely in German and she let us through. We ran down to the gate and got on just in time.
All that stress melted away when we saw our wonderful seats. We sat facing one another in what looked like an old fashioned love seat.
Both our seats could recline fully so we could stretch out and sleep during the flight. We we given champagne before the plane even took off. Shortly after take-off we were served a dinner that was better than many restaurants we've eaten at. Jay had steak with potatoes and green beans and I had artichoke ravioli and salad. The gave us fabulous chocolate cake, Stilton cheese, and port wine for dessert. We ate with real flatware (not plastic) and cloth napkins. I never liked paper napkins except at a picnic or buffet. The British really know how to travel in style. We couldn't stop smiling and pinching ourselves, wondering if this were really true or a dream.
Each passenger had his/her own television screen, comfortable head phones and a remote control. We had our choice of six different movies and a number of TV programs. There was an extensive audio program.
I'm typing this entry from the local library as the internet connection software is not compatible with the MS Vista software on Jay's laptop. Damn Microsoft! I forgot that the Europeans lag slightly behind the U. S. in adopting new software. The manager of our building is trying to solve that problem today.
Jay is at his first day of work and I'm exploring the township of Basingstoke today. More soon. My time on the computer today is limited. I'll take photos and upload them soon. Hope to hear from you all. Please comment. Best, Leisa


3rd July 2007

Wow...you are there!
Whew...glad it all worked out well for you to make the flight and what a pleasant journey it turned out to be when all was said and done. I can't wait to see photos and hear more details! I thought of calling you on the first but decided that was a really dumb idea...so I am glad I stuck with that decision. You had enough going on. Oh, I received your check...thanks very much for supporting my business!! Okay...I will shut up now and wait for the next installment of Leisa and Jay's European Adventure. Hugs...Deb
3rd July 2007

So happy you have arrived safe and sound. :) It kind of sounds like you guys travel like Fred and I do. The weird, funny, or unfortunate things that take place only add to the whole experience. What a way to live! Enjoy. I am really looking forward to more. Love ya, Tracey
3rd July 2007

......... so the moral of your story is that you got rewarded for forgetting your luggage :) That's like winning the lottery!
3rd July 2007

I'm jealous!
So glad to hear you have arrived safely and happily.
3rd July 2007

Happy to hear you arrived safely. Have fun you crazy kids!
3rd July 2007

Sounds Like Fun So Far
Sounds like you guys are having a blast. What a way to start off your trip! I keep meaning to call Jay to see how everything is going, but not sure if the call would be considered international even though it is a US number. Anyways, hope you both have fun and look forward to seing more.
4th July 2007

you both deserve a wonderful time
Looks as though your off to a great start. Waiting on your photos.

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