Two days to go!

Published: June 23rd 2006
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Eeek, only two days to go before i Jet Set off for 10 weeks of Hiking, climbing, and anything else i can get my grubby salford hands on! (i meant that in a none rude way!)
I've just left Uni, the end of first year, and yes...i had a little cry haha.

Uni has been FABTASTIC par a few dislocated thumbs but including water fights and flour fights! I've met some complete cocks, some people it took me a while to give them a chance but found them to be great even if they are alcoholics! Generally though, I have met the most amazing, fun, genuine, likeable, nutty as a fruit cake people, especially K floor who have kept me sane and made me laugh till i nearly pee-ed myself *millllkkkk* and *lesbian creamingness*Susie martain marie who puts up with me even when i'm in a grump and doesn't hold my mistakes against me :P I also have a new found love for tea! J floor was, interesting lol gotta have the *drama* eh but regardless can't deny having a lot of good times with my floor and being glad that I met them all. There are lots other people who i've only descovered in the last 3months like Adam me Persian buddy who likes to throw my knickers out of windows and Danny boy who lets me win at pool :D! Can't forget the Gays who keep me amused! I can't wait to see them all again!

I left for uni last october thinking i was a pretty sound person, not too loopy, not a complete meff...and generally thought i wouldn't learn that much about myself by leaving home apart from how to wash my own clothes...ooooh how I was wrong lol! I've learnt sooo much, the main thing being how much I love my family, and how sometimes i do need them and that i am so lucky to have them. I'm also really lucky to have made the friends i have. I was worried that i'd lost the passion i had to learn, but if anything i'm even more passionate about media and i can't wait to get stuck into my documentary. I've also learnt that I still have a really short fuse but i'm not as hot headed as i used to be, i'm ridiculously stubborn, a complete disgrace when im drunk, and that i really do need to find jeans that fit my arse and don't cover my feet! But also that my gut instinct is usually, right, and I should trust my own judgement!

I don't think i'm going to Peru to find myself by any means, i know what i want, who i am, and i have a hazy view of where i want to be ( it consists of a tent, beer, friends and just greeny stuff), however, when I booked my flight i didn't feel like i needed to go, now i feel like i really need this trip, i need to be with my hiking boots up a mountain with nothing but my smelly feet and my thoughts...perhaps someone who is naked too..hmm

PAH this bloggingcrap is quite good, excuse any of the above cheesyness lol. Well, the next post on here, i shall be in Peru, with a lama, cokcaine but in the form of 'tea' *its legal* and probably lots of bruises i've picked up from falling off inca ruins lol!

Lots of Love Delly xoxox


23rd June 2006

My Lil Deleplop!
Hey there sugar-pie! Just thought i'd wish you luck on your adventure to Peru *Gives massive HUG*! Hope you have an AWESOME AMAZING ACE COOL WIKED (n all that jazz) time, im sure you will! If anyone knows how 2 party its you my friend! Keep in touch, you will be missed by the K Floor Pirates, we need our wench! Take care of yourself over there, be safe, n have fun (the wink wink sorta fun if you catch my drift) Love Davey *mmm jam butties mmm* P.S. Don't forget 2 photo a Yak, and you have 2 be in the picture 2! lol
24th June 2006

Hey :) Hope you have a fantastic time!! Lots of love Heather xxxxx

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