Setting off.

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November 27th 2005
Published: November 22nd 2005
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Am all set to set off for my 6 months away tomorrow. I first fly out to Columbo via Dubai where I'll stay here for 6 nights visiting my Sri Lankan friend Saj. Then on the 5th December I set off to Sydney via Bangkok where I'll be landing in Sydney on the 6th December. I'll stay in Sydney until the new year where I'll plan to party, see friends and climb the sydney harbour bridge. After New years I then plan on buying a coach ticket via Greyhound and travelling the country.

26th March is when i fly out again from Sydney landing back in Bangkok where I'll tour as much as SE Asia as I can, working my way down to Singapore and then back to Bangkok again. On the 18th May I fly back to Dubai and stay for 2 nights before sadly flying back home to Manchester.

Anyway keep logging in for my travelling exploits and any messages or emails are always welcome. Hope you enjoy seeing my stories and pictures as much I will do taking part in them



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