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October 31st 2006
Published: October 31st 2006
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Just a very quick entry for the moment. We got to Goa and spent four days there sorting our flat out and getting to know Toby, the landlord's dog who has worked out how to open the living room window and let himself in through the bars. Apparently he's normally too fat to fit through, but has lost weight in the off season and it's his new party trick. So our first night was spent listening to him scratching his fleas at the bottom of our bed. Apart from the scratching noises, the other thing stopping us getting a good night's sleep was the slab of granite trying to pass for a mattress. So one of our first trips out was to Panjim, Goa's capital, to buy a new mattress, which we got home tied with a couple of pieces of string to the roof of a taxi.

We were pleased to meet up with many of our friends from our holidays in Goa; Gianne and Babu who previously lived in our flat, Amanda and Abo from Banana Moon, and Sanjay and his dad who we hope to travel home to Kashmir with at the end of the season. It amazed us how many of the locals remembered us from before. Even the bloke who cleans people's ears with a metal spike on the beach, shook our hands and didn't even bother trying to hassle us (its a con by the way, he carries a block of fake earwax so he can pretend to hook lumps out your ear!).

Claire's dad deteriorated rapidly after we left the UK, and after 4 days in Goa we returned home. Sadly, the morning after we arrived back, Peter died.

Pete had been ill for such a long time and had suffered so much, however sad it is that he's died it is also a relief. He was adamant that we should not put off travelling, and although its been a constant debate since leaving work whether we should be staying at home to be with him, or flying off, he certainly wouldn't have wanted us to sit around waiting for him to die. We are both so glad however that we were able to return home in time and could be with him.

Peter's funeral was last Tuesday, and we are booked to return to Goa next Monday, 6th Nov. We think the stress and fatigue has got to us though, and Claire's mum, Claire and myself have all come down with chest infections. Claire spent all day in hospital yesterday, and although they wanted to admit her for a couple of days, pleaded to be let home where she has spent all day crashed out in the armchair. Hopefully, she'll be better in time to fly back on Monday.


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