Wine tour from Siena

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May 10th 2012
Published: June 17th 2017
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Geo: 43.0446, 11.4884

Slept in this morning and missed my dry cold toast. Got to sleep at 4.00am so wasn't too fussed.

This afternoon I took a tour of the Brunello wine region of Montelcino. The countryside is beautiful and the village sits atop a hill. It had a fort that was very interesting. There were only eight on the tour so I sat up front of the van with our guide Christiano. He was great, ok so I had a huge crush on him. We chatted the whole tour and ignored the other guests. I thought he was going to invite me for a drink but then said he lives with his girlfriend. I didn't want her to come so I didn't pursue it any further. Shame.

Off to Orvieto, Umbria tomorrow.


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