No more work for a year...

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October 23rd 2006
Published: October 19th 2006
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Sat in the kitchen, stressing about what we have to achieve in the next 10 days. Not sure exactly why this is getting to me because as soon as we leave Regina Road we will have very little to worry about and just an amazing jounrney to embark on....

So, as a bit of a respite to my packing, sorting and busy-ing I am trying to start my blog, my life story for the next 365+ days...I'm sure I'll have mastered it before we fly.

In case you are interested in my blog then here's what you can do, I think:

* You can see what I'm doing by visiting my page
* You can send me a message - through visiting my page
* You can subscribe - so you know when I've updated my page

And I think a few other bits too.

Obviously I still have my email address if you want a bit more one-to-one contact.

I hope you enjoy it, I am really looking forward to getting into it.

Emma x (and Simon - I take no responsibility for his communication skills)

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The proofThe proof
The proof

It is pretty heavy, but quite comfy so the old walk from A to B is manageable

4th November 2006

Good Luck
Hi Emma, Good luck and enjoy your travels. I'll check in here regularly to see what you are up too. Think of me, just going back to work as you've left it all behind! Have a chicken tikka masala for me in Delhi (although I bet you'll struggle to find one!). Hugs. Karen xxx
5th November 2006

You left without saying goodbye
Distraught. I was sitting by my phone, a bottle of vodka in one hand, a handkerchief in the other, my speech ready to send you on your way but errr you know how useless I can be sometimes well I actually lost my mobile on Tuesday so didn't pick up your message - nothing to do with the fact I had a hangover from Monday and felt aweful. Luckily some kind folk handed it in to Earls Court but as ever there's always a drama when I'm involved. Got to Earls Court, they couldn't find it, then they found out it was sent to Baker St. Got to Baker St and then the fire alarm went off. They had to evacuate the building - when we re-entered the dizzy employee lost it again. Anyway not to bore you to tears my phone is now back in my hands and I just picked up your message. Hope all is going well - have you eaten any worms or beatles yet, has Simon built you a wooden house, and have you learnt any new languages? Anyway must dash - I have a project to deliver for you :)

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