Delayed at London Heathrow! :(

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September 11th 2006
Published: September 11th 2006
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Thanks to the incompetent staff at the British Airways office in Malta, I was not allowed to board my flight to Miami this morning because I didn't have a VISA for the US.... obviously I was not informed about this requirement when I made my booking and thinking that I didn't need one since I was only going to be at Miami airport in transit to Lima, it didn't occur to me to ask....

So i've been up since 0530 and had a nightmare of a morning... locating my luggage that had already been loaded onto the aeroplane and had to be offloaded.... then waiting and praying to God that they would be able to find me a seat on another airline that wasn't already fully booked...

The journey now is as follows.... London - Frankfurt - Sao Paolo - Lima.... I arrive tomorrow morning....

Wish me luck guys....


11th September 2006

miskina! bloody ridculous!! did u manage to locate all your luggage?? god! talk about disorganisation. You should really write a strongly worded letter of complaint, even if its to the head office in London. Maybe they give you a free flight to anywhere in Europe....who knows??:)
11th September 2006

Fingers Crossed!
Hello, just a few words:'your sense of humour and your optimism will surely guide you to your destination successfully!' Thumbs up, querida :o)
11th September 2006

sorry to hear that! and I was pissed off because the bus didnt come this evening and couldnt attend salsa course!!! WELL, WE HAVE A SAYING IN SLOVENIA: bad beginning, good end (sth like this)
11th September 2006

I can't believe!!
Gosh! I can't believe it happen to you?? I knew this thing about the visa because it happened to me last year, I was just going on transit in Miami and I was informed that even though I still needed a visa. If only we had talked about it... . Well at least you can say hello to Sao Paulo for me eheh!! Hope everything goes well from here on for you in this big adventure!! :) Kisses, Cris
13th September 2006

hope it doesn't put a damper on your trip
:S I hope you've sorted it out and that you weren't delayed. Just think of it as an adventure because it really is.. You must be in Peru now - eeeeek!
13th September 2006

X'inhuuuuuu ???????
Hello dudina, I couldn't beleive my eyes when I read your blog, as today I accessed my mail !!!! These British Airways staff here in Malta they are bloody stupid, I already had experience with them re. my lost luggage and they are of no help at all. I can imagine what a hassle you had then on Monday !! But luckily your luggage was tracked n that you found a flight . Hope that by now you're recovering n resting n preparing for your adventure to begin in PERU :))) Miss uuuu Sam XXXxx
13th September 2006 comment
Ciao!!! just read about your unexpected adventure... I'm sure it won't spoil your fantastic trip, and in the next weeks you'll have some really great experience... just to compensate this bad luck with the flight!!! :-) in bocca al lupo!!!!
15th September 2006

i can't belive it there must be some sort of curse, i had an unexpected detour on my way to lima also (because of the weather), but don't let that bring you down. You must be at the orphanage now :) i'm sure you're enjoying it. Bye for now x x x lara
16th September 2006

Miskina kibira !
So you were stuck in London and you did not call us !!! I am just 30 minutes from Heathrow... Anyway you made it! Have fun.
18th September 2006

Hello sweetie!
Hey there! How's it going in Peru? Hope you're enjoying it! Dying to see some pics! Keep us updated :) xxx

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