Countdown - Fall Down

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July 26th 2006
Published: July 26th 2006
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

Four and a Half Weeks To Go

Having got the dreaded wisdom tooth extraction out of the way before I head off to Africa, a day off work for chasing Visas ends with me falling down the stairs at my gym and spending three hours in A&E having my ankle X-rayed. I was lucky but, as I reclined earlier this evening with a bag of frozen peas pressed onto my swollen ankle, it suddenly dawned on me how easily my trip could have been sunk before it even started.


26th August 2006

Get well soon
WOW, I heard someone slipped in the Gym but didn't realise it was u! Get well soon, I hope it doesn't affect your trip. Oli

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