Day 13: Museum of Sci and Tech and shopping. All the shopping.

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July 10th 2012
Published: July 10th 2012
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Big walking day again today! But it was good fun 😊

We decided to walk up towards Hyde Park/Kensington area just to walk around and then head to the Museum of Science and Tech. Our walk took a little longer than planned because even though we were just supposed to follow one road we somehow ended up three streets over on a street not even on our map lol. Ah well, got to see some beautiful houses (and play frogger with taxi cabs) on the way up to Kensington Road.

The Museum of Science and Tech was actually kind of a bummer. Well, that’s perhaps a little harsh... it was a great museum, but not what I was expecting I guess. I just really, really loved the Museum of Nature and so I guess I was expecting to be blown away by this one too. I wasn’t.

I did enjoy a few things though, to be fair. I liked the agriculture/old farm stuff – it always makes me think of my grandparents and how they liked looking at my pictures when I’d bring that back for them. The history of medicine exhibit was really cool too – it had historical western medicine and also a bunch of stuff from other cultures which was really neat to just look at. It’s crazy how far things have come in such little time.

Oh, and Ducrieff got to “fly on an airplane” at one point. He was a happy travelling lemon. (Those of you that don’t know, Ducrieff is kind of explained in yesterday’s entry).

Anywho, after that we walked through Hyde Park for a bit – working our way up towards Marble Arch. We went to the Serpentine Gallery to add our wishes to the wish trees outside – it was fun reading through some of them – there was a real mix of really deep and thoughtful wishes, and just complete silly ones (I wish I had a bunk bed!) haha. It was interesting. I wrote a somewhat sappy one – I was pleased.

(SIdenote: we came across a scavenger hunt – there was a “Wally” (UK’s Waldo) running around hiding from people. Everyone seemed to be in suits and fancy sun dresses so that was kind of neat to see.)

From there we went up towards Oxford Street and that’s when things got really interesting! We found a few stores we wanted (H&M and Forever 21... although 21 is stupid expensive here for some reason) but the most important was our beloved Primark where we went to town... or at least we tried to but it was so insanely batshit crazy in the store that between just trying to look around and then trying things on and paying we were there for like 2 and a half hours (just the one store). It is true, if you can keep your patience and survive shopping on Oxford Street, you can do it anywhere!! I did get a lot of stuff though – and it’s all crazy cheap at this store compared to anything back home. It’s ridiculous. I don’t know how I’m going to carry everything home.

After that we were too dead to walk home. And by that, I mean I was too dead and made Em take the tube with me haha. Yay.


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