Off We Go ..Again

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April 15th 2009
Published: April 15th 2009
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Let's try this again....sorry for the first email...

After a few years of hanging around California and limiting our vacations to Northern California, we are off to Europe again. On Wednesday, April 15th, we're heading out to London, and after a short layover, we'll spend two weeks in France.

Our last visit to London turned out to be a nightmare...I lost my purse on the London Underground on the way from the airport to the hotel. In it were our passports, cash, credit cards, etc. So our 3 day visit was spent at the US Embassy and on the phone cancelling our credit cards. This time, will hopefully be a better experience!

Ralph purchased a tiny little laptop that will fit easily into my new purse. So as we travel and visit new places, we'll upload pictures and text to our travel blog. We hope you will enjoy hearing from us in lieu of postcards. And hopefully, I'll manage to hold on to my purse.

Our itinerary includes, as I mentioned, a short layover in London so we can do a little shopping and acclimate ourselves to European time. We'll be staying in a Bed & Breakfast close to the British Museum.

We'll then take the "Chunnel" from London to Paris, where we'll stay in the Montmartre area for four days. Then, we'll board a high speed train to the Dordogne Valley in the southwestern part of France, and stay in the small village of Sarlat for four days. Along with the prehistoric cave art, this area is known for its great food and wine.

Then, we'll take the "slow" train to the Provence area in the southeast of France, where Avignon will be our home base. After five days in Provence, we'll take the train back to Paris, and then "Chunnel" back to London. We'll be back home on the evening of May 4th.

Assuming that our technical equipment (laptop, digital camera and electrical converters and plugs) will work the way it's supposed to, we'll talk to you soon!


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