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December 11th 2008
Published: April 30th 2009
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I've been pootling around Hampton and Twickenham the last few days waiting for news on my visa.

Exciting things i've done include: Walking round Carlisle Park, going to a continental Market in Twickenham, falling over in a pot-hole in the middle of the road in Twickenham and watching much daytime TV.

Unfortunately only an hour or so ago I got news from the embassy that all is not well, in particular they don't want to give me a visa on some very dubious health grounds (even though I don't have Syphilis). They quoted a blood test which I hadn't even had done, so I'm not sure where things go from here... Needless to say I'll be in the country over Xmas I should think and I'm going to apply for ST training in August.

In between I hope to make a few trips abroad and will continue to keep you updated.
Until then my good friends m blog is suspended :-(

All my love,

Dr Rob


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