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November 13th 2008
Published: November 13th 2008
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Working in London

This is my house and where i've been working!

Well, I'm off to New Zealand to work for a year. Going to be based in Wellington and living with my good friend James somewhere near the city center and some good pubs!

Departure date was 7th November, but due to a delay with my visa I can't go yet. My job is meant to start on the 24th Nov, but looks like I won't make it out for that...

In the mean time I have visited such wonderful sights as Hammersmith Hospital and the West Middlesex Hospital.
I really recommend the chicken kiev at Hammersmith if you happen to pass by there. Avoid the chicken stir-fry though.

It's been rather chilly here and today is raining.

Anyway, I'll keep you posted on when I'm actually going to leave!


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Hammermith HospitalHammermith Hospital
Hammermith Hospital

Nice canteen.

13th November 2008

Just staying at home for more of Mums cooking!
13th November 2008

Hurry up!!
13th November 2008

the nontravel blog
I bet you never get round to leaving

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