ENTRY TWELVE -- The Secret Doctrine

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February 23rd 1987
Published: January 2nd 2006
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An Excerpt from the Travel Journal of H. Nigel Fox circa 1920

ENTRY TWELVE -- The Secret Doctrine

"Two pints of Castle Lager," shouted Hans, as he ordered the 'beer of Africa' over the din. A few moments later the barmaid appeared with their liquid refreshment. Hans and Heidi were meeting at what was becoming a regular haunt: a popular pub in Carter Lane, not far from St. Paul's Cathedral. This particular establishment imported beer from round the world. "Cheers," he said, as they lifted their glasses. Hans had many questions, particularly about the List Society. As casually as he could, he interrogated her.

Hans had moved them to a table in the far corner. By her second pint, Heidi needed no encouragement; she shook with excitement. Her feelings were transparent or at least reasonably translucent. "Our wisdom comes from the Old Ones, or as Father Von List called them, the Armanen. They are the ones who have gone before us. Their name is derived from the Herminones, our Nordic forbearers described by Tacitus. Alfred Schuler has written much about the wisdom that has been handed down."

Indeed, Hans had first heard of this when he visited the house of a Missus Bruckmann a week earlier. Further investigating the subject, he discovered that the Old Ones had set out six principles of the Armanenschaft. They believed that once these ideas were mastered, one saw the world as it truly was. However, before one could have "Wisdom" one needed to unlearn the blasphemies of the Jewish Kristgod. (Pronounced Krīstgod with a hard k). As Hans began to truly fathom the depths of these theories, the more confused and frightened he became.

The Leadership Principle

He sipped his Castle Lager, while Heidi's voice thickened with intensity: "The leadership principle is the most basic concept of the Bibliomystikon**. The Kristgod has made us weak: he has turned our blood to water. In truth, we are destined to be the legitimate masters of the world, yet the church has kept us chained for a thousand years. We must re-establish our leadership. The prophecies will soon be fulfilled: the Anointed One is about to make his presence known."

"And what will the 'Anointed One' do?" Hans asked awkwardly. He made himself look at his companion, her sculpted cheeks glowing red as her passion grew.

"In the year 900, the Armanen or the Old Ones ruled our Ayran ancestors. However the true history of the time has been distorted by the Kristmen (Pronounced Krīstmen with a hard k)of the church. They gained control over the minds of the people. A false reality was created by saying a Jewish Nazarene was the centre of God's plan for humanity." She continued as if crazed: "Try to picture our people, bound by false leaders, being told that the Kristgod is the centre of the cosmos, and based upon him our people win salvation or are eternally damned. And in this struggle we must make a choice between the forces of the Kristgod and the forces of the Armanen. Yet the priests of the Kristgod interpreted everything to the people."

"And they misled the folk as to their true salvation." He answered as a pupil to his teacher.

"That is correct. However that false reality is breaking down. The people have seen that the priests of the Kristgod are corrupt. Modern science is proving the Kristgod wrong. Darwin showed the Bible for what it is -- a book of lies. Even Biblical scholars such as Bultmann discredit the scriptures as myth. The Kristmen are losing their grasp on the leadership role. This century signals the end of the old age and the beginning of the new. The time has come when the Dark Gods will rule again."

Hans sat in stunned silence, eyes focused on her thick, red, ever-moving lips. He prayed that the sick feeling in his stomach had not been telegraphed onto his face.

She went on and on as if driven by some unseen force: "The Armanen have prophesied that at the end of the age, nation will rise against nation and there will be famines and earthquakes. These are the birth pangs of our New Order. The love of the Kristmen has already grown cold, their domination is coming to an end."

Hans sipped his beer silently, absorbing every disturbing detail. Hunched over the table, watching the Nordic beauty, her eyes aglow with unnatural lustre, it crossed his mind that she might truly be possessed.

"This fulfilment of prophecy is not coincidence," she declared. Her voice rose to just below a shout, "It is a sign of spiritual rebirth!" Then, in a hushed tone, she added: "Even we of the New Order do not fully comprehend its magnitude."

In her fevered state, Heidi refused to draw the conversation to a close, although the 'time' bell had rung and people were being ushered out onto the street. Perhaps it was the beer, more likely the subject matter in any event she insisted that they walk the streets of London.

As they stepped outside the pub, she gazed towards the heavens, arms spread wide to portray its immensity. "We are so small, yet the Old Ones are watching us even now."

Appalled, yet at the same time fascinated, Hans remarked as nonchalantly as he could, "I'm curious. Just how did the Brotherhood receive this Ancient Wisdom?"

With continued crazed excitement, Heidi virtually dragged him to the nearest lamppost, producing a photograph which she always carried on her person. It was of a man with a long white beard, wearing a rumpled cap. "Up to his death a few years ago, Father von List would receive the Wisdom by psychic connection with the Old Ones. Now he is Armanen.

"This Ancient Wisdom has been codified; Alfred Schuler is our mentor yet he is not the great Leader. As I told you, it has been prophesied that a Leader will emerge who will undo the blasphemies of the Kristgod.

"All who do not follow the Anointed One will be eliminated." She gazed directly into his eyes with a piercing look: "We will do to the Kristmen what was done to us: preserve what can be preserved and subvert its meaning. What cannot be preserved will be destroyed."

The Sig

Although intimacy with her was the last thing on his mind, Hans did not flinch when she put her arm through his. "Does the Father von List mention any other concepts besides this leadership principle?" Hans asked, immediately realising he had misspoken himself. She was not a person to cross!

Fortunately Hans was not caught out in his subtle error, for Heidi carried on in her somewhat melodramatic fashion, saying, "Yes. The 'Sig' principle maintains that what we perceive as solid objects in reality have no substance at all. In fact, they are a vacuum; a void, or nothingness that is filled with a pattern of energy. We believe that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but merely changed from one form to another. This includes everything from heavenly bodies to earthly bodies. The Old Ones learned of the Sig or 'Force' long ago and were able to master it. Stonehenge harnessed far greater power than even the most sophisticated explosive device of modern times."

As she continued talking, Heidi suddenly gripped Hans' hand firmly in hers. It became very, very cold - like ice.

"What are you doing?" he asked, somewhat unnerved.

"Drawing energy from your hand."

"Well, stop!"

Her hand became warm, then hot. He jerked his hand away. It felt as though it had been burned. She laughed. "You were receiving energy - much too much energy - when you pulled away. We all have the capacity to do what I have just done: the wisdom of the Old Ones teaches us."

Without warning, Heidi pushed Hans from the pavement into a darkened, muddy area between two shops. She kissed him on the lips and he received a static electric shock. She laughed again. Next, she moved her thumb and her index finger so that they were about one-half inch apart, forming the letter 'C'. "Watch closely," she said. Hans focused on her hand in the dim light.

Suddenly, a tiny lightning bolt flashed, connecting her index finger to her thumb. Hans was awestruck, his jaw dropping to his chest. She explained, the pride welling up in her voice: "This is the symbol of the Brotherhood -- two jagged lighting flashes -- what we call the Sigrune, which means 'the rune of the Force'. It is the symbol of victory for if you master the Sigrune, you master the world."

They continued to walk on, arms draped around each other, the warm evening air enveloping them like a thick blanket. Hans and his lady friend had gone quite some distance when they came upon a park, its gate unlocked. The bright moonlight from behind the trees produced upon the cement gatepost a design like fancy black lace. For Hans, time seemed to be standing still. Eventually Heidi questioned, "Just why did you leave the Church . . . ?"

Hans feared he had been caught out. He paused in order to think of a convincing response, his tired brain working frantically. "As I told you, the Church does not have the answers. I felt I was acting out a charade that was causing me to miss out on my true purpose in life. We are born to stand for something, after all. Does that make sense to you?"

"Positively; in fact the Ancient Wisdom tells us clearly that we must cleanse our minds and awake to whom we really are. This cleansing of the spiritual filth of the Kristgod enables us to evolve . . . to grow to our true destiny."

They continued walking through the small park, the dewy night-smells assailing them. Hans piloted Heidi to a park bench and they sat together in the bright moonlight.

Her lecture resumed. "We are taught 'thou shalt not commit adultery'. Father Von List explains that this chains our sexuality. We are taught 'honour thy father and thy mother'. This chains our minds and keeps us bound, as they are bound. We are taught 'thou shalt not kill', but this makes us weak. War makes us strong. We are taught 'thou shalt not steal', but this merely prevents us from taking what is rightfully ours. Darwin has proven that the world belongs to the fittest. We must be strong in order to purify the world."

"To what purpose?" asked Hans, gyrating his aching shoulder which had become quite stiff.

"Is your shoulder bothering you again?" asked Heidi, attentively.

"No more than usual;" My friend had injured his shoulder during the war. It had never totally healed, as he was not the type to go to a doctor over a minor injury.

"Hans, kneel before me," ordered Heidi. He dropped to his knees, not sure what she intended to do. Putting her hand just above his shoulder, he could feel it start to tingle. It was amazing; definitely not his imagination. Within minutes the ache was gone.

"Weakness must be eliminated so that we may be strong and secure our true destiny."

The Will

After they had sat in silence for a time, Heidi spoke again, carefully and slowly: "I believe the most important concept of our New Order is the Triumph of the Will."

"Please continue," Hans replied, knowing in his heart he would rather hear no more of this dreadful theology.

"The Kristgod wants people to be obedient and subservient to Him. He wants people to proceed upon faith, not true wisdom.

The Armanen are those angelic beings who rose against the God of the Jews and engaged the flow of cosmic energy through their own will. Both here and in heaven they have become the ultimate power in the universe. They are the Dark Gods who lead us and are unstoppable . . . and the Prince of Darkness is about to reveal himself in human form." Her hands punctuated her thoughts as she spoke, gazing up at the starry sky. Finally, she turned to look at him once more. "It will be the ultimate Triumph of the Will."

Seeing the look in Hans' eyes, she stopped. Then she said, concerned, "Maybe I have proceeded too quickly."

"No," Hans reassured her. "It is beginning to make sense to me. I now see that Mankind had to evolve to the point where we could master the Force of the Cosmos on our own. All we are doing is taking what is rightfully ours. Rebellion is merely an end to our weakness. Without power, why should we worship the Kristgod?"

"You comprehend clearly. The Kristgod is no longer in control. Religion is a thing of the Old Age. It does not determine our destiny. Once you learn that we can evolve, then God is no longer in the picture. We have rid ourselves of Him. As Nietzsche proclaimed, "God is dead and man is free."

The Sacred Feminine

Soon Heidi pulled Hans to his feet, her energy brooking no denial. As they continued strolling, the park became darker, filled with sinister shadows; they entered an area of thick trees. The humid night air was filled with a cacophony of sounds from crickets and other little living creatures. Nightingales were in full song, the frogs in the pond acting as their accompaniment. "Can anything interfere with us reaching our destiny?" Hans questioned. Immediately he regretted the query. Yet Heidi did not seem to find it odd that he should wonder how the Armanen could be stopped.

"We must always be careful of sentimentality; attachments between people. Love must be replaced with duty. There must be a heightened sense of loyalty to our Leader, to the Armanen, and to the New Order. If called upon, one must be prepared to sacrifice anyone; no matter if it is a friend, spouse or even your own child. Total loyalty to the New Order is our ultimate calling. Without it we cannot reach our destiny."

"So, let me see if I understand correctly . . . if we love the Kristgod or our fellow human beings, we lose our connection with the Force?"

"Obedience to duty engages the flow of the Sigrune. Love disengages us and makes us weak."

"How do children fit into the New Order?"

"They are no longer seen as objects of love, but the end-product of evolution. We have now seized control of that process and are producing super-children. The Sonnenkinder have the genetic superiority and indoctrination that will allow them to rule the third millennium."

"I would like to have full access to the Sig - this Power or Force that you talk of."

"I am afraid I cannot help you. Women are not allowed to rise above the Fourth Degree--The Sacred Feminine. The secrets of the Talisman are kept from them. Their focus must always be the Sonnenkinder. They acquire their cosmic energy through breeding."

It was now three a.m. They were again out in the open, a full moon luminous with an eerie glow when it broke through the gathering clouds. The earlier warmth lingered in the still night air. Walking arm in arm as lovers often do, she continued to lecture on the fact that procreation was one of the great forces of the universe. "Why," she abruptly asked, with a bold look, "have you not made any advances towards me?"

Hans, taken aback with the sudden change to the personal, stammered, "B . . . b . . . because I am a proper gentleman."

"Does that mean that you have had no release since you have known me?"

"None," he answered, honestly.

"It must be difficult to exercise that kind of control," she stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Your organs must be overflowing with energy."

With that statement he became aware that they had arrived at a cemetery adjoining the park. Heidi led a reluctant Hans through the gates, explaining: "The history of our race can be found here."

Although not normally a fainthearted man, he felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck as they walked further into the shadowy, silent burial ground. She continued in a low, almost purring tone, "I am pleased to hear my lover is energised under the draw of the moon. It is the time of the month that I am at my most fertile; a field ripe for the planting."

She grabbed both his hands in hers and faced him, declaring proudly, "Our people believe that when a woman has relations with a man over the tomb of our forbearers, the soul of an Old One is brought back at the moment of conception."

Hans was in an amazing plight, as he slowly came to the realisation that she was planning to have relations with him over an ancestral burial site; this very night. As she began to remove and fold her clothes, meticulously, piece by piece, he had to make up his mind: should he go along with this unholy coupling or beat a hasty retreat? The decision was made ... Hans shook his head in horror and disbelief over the ritual he had just completed.


The Antichrist (Der Antichrist) by Friedrich Nietzsche.

**The original is no longer available see Bibliomystikon, 1920


30th August 2010

this stuff is still popular today

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