A place to call home

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August 9th 2008
Published: August 9th 2008
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Home sweet HomeHome sweet HomeHome sweet Home

and a lawn mower to boot
Well finally we have a place to call home, but wait theres more (see later). Five weeks ago we moved into what is best described in NZ terms as a sleepout. Since arriving here in March its all been a bit temporary. For the first 3 months it was living on a building site as I have described in previous blogs. My friend, David, please his heart, is kind and generous but completely unorganised and haphazard. This resulted in a constant state of uncertainty and periods of no power or plumbing, but it was warm and dry and we are grateful for the chance to get a rent free start in London.

In June, when the builders took opver completely, we moved to the shared house in Arnos Grove. It was comfortable and quiet but at our age and stage we are past sharing kitchens, bathrooms and toilets with 3 strangers. we like our eating area to be clean and tidy and not be confined to a single room. BUT WE NO COMPLAIN.

On the 11 July we moved into 109 Morton Way in a Annex (sleepout) at the back of a property. the people in the front house

The living room
are a lovely couple. Both stem cell scientists from New York but he originally from Switzerland and she from Belgium. they have a lovely 9 mth old daughter Clara. We get on very well and often share a bottle of wine in the evening. It is delightful to sit on our veranda in the evening sun, to have our own kitchen and bathroom, Our interior is one large room that Anita has divided into two with dressing tables. WE can now have friends for dinner and BBQs, small things we have not been able to do previously.

But wait there's more, one of the nieghbours has complained. they have written to the council saying that it is illegal for us to be living here because the building was originally built for use as a garage and the owners are misusing it as a dwelling. It is a bit of a shame and hopefully nothing will come of it but it has unsettled Anita and means we are still living with a bit of uncertainty. But hey no use wasting negative energy on something we can do nothing about K sir ra sir ra "the futures not ours to see".

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Don't laugh at my BBQ. Larkins on cooking duty

9th August 2008

How can you call that home with no NZ flag flying high? Shame you are still in a state of flux. Love the barbie a 'Fire bucket' with a grill on the top?

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