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September 23rd 2005
Published: September 23rd 2005
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After 2 flights of boredom, we arrived at Heathrow Airport at 5.50am on Sept 21st. In Kuala Lumpur Amanda got searched whilst checking in for our flight to Heathrow, though obviously had nothing on her. Takeoff, landing and turbulence are fun, whilst cruising is quite boring. England is very different from Melbourne in some ways, though very similar in others. Major differences are the speed limits (much faster here), the width of the streets and the supermarkets (they sell everything!) We went for a walk down the street to the shopping area yesterday and found that despite popular opinion they do sell Milo, Cadbury, and Vegemite in the shops. On the way back we saw a car accident but luckily no one was hurt. We’ve met most of the family now (I think) and they are all very nice. Today we will book our accommodation in Dover and buy our train tickets and possibly go to London for a short trip If the weather is still nice when we get there we will try and go on the London Eye before the weather get worse later in the week.
We’ll write another entry before we leave for France on Wednesday.


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