The road goes on forever, and the party never ends, until it does.

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July 5th 2007
Published: July 5th 2007
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So, the party ended today. Now I understand why rock bands love and hate what they do. For the past 15 days I have been living like a rock star on tour. Get up early, get on the bus, go somewhere, get fed, see the sights, then the party begins, repeat this over and over again. There was a total lack of real responsibility these past weeks that was so refreshing, I can't really describe it. But now it must end, in the most unbelievably dull manner possible.

Our bus left Dublin at 6:30 in the morning, funny thing, we almost left two people behind. I called Dave and Heinrich at 6:20 because they were nowhere to be seen, and had I not, they would have probably found themselves in Dublin in a bit of a quandry. But we did get hold of them and made our way to the ferry.

This entry is going to be a bit dull because all today entailed was a three hour ferry ride followed by a nine hour bus ride into London. There was a great deal of sleeping, a little conversation, and not much else. We all realized that it was the end and I think we were all just trying to find a way to make it at least feel like it lasted a bit longer. Strange how a fairly uncomfortable bus can come to feel like home so easily, isn't it.

We finally made our way back to the Royal National Hotel, where we stood in the square courtyard talking about how long it felt like since we started there.

Some of us were staying there that night, and just a handful were going elsewhere, I was in the latter group. Some of us decided to meet in the pub downstairs for a farewell drink. After a few mintues waiting for people to check in, those of us going to friends and family decided that it would be best to just head off.

I made my way to the tube station with Dave and Dr. Thang. One by one they split off until I was, for the first time in two weeks, left alone. It's funny, for two weeks I have not (with the exception of sleeping) spent more than an hour by myself.

Now, the Underground is supposed to be a very easy thing to negotiate once you know it. However, before you know it, it is mostly a fucking nightmare that looks like a series of unconnected lines drawn in different colors by a hyperactive child. However, I did eventually find my friends place and am now looking to settle in and get some sleep.

This blog will continue until I return, hopefully it will be as entertaining as before.

The past two weeks have been two of the best weeks of my life. I saw some amazing things, met some amazing people, and did some truly amazing stuff that I never would have had the chance to do had it not been for this tour. I must say, I am a very luck guy.


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