Stonehenge Rocks!!

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April 1st 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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Yeah, I know that's a cheesy title - but I saw it on a shirt while I was there and liked it 😉. Anyway, I made it to London. The flight was great - I had the whole row to myself and I had way too many movies to watch in our eleven hour flight!! Sweet! So my first night I wandered around the city, trying to remember where everything is - and even though it's been two years since I was last here - I still knew my way around without a map! Sweet! 😊 I walked down past the London Eye, and looked ahead of me to see this amazing golden carousel placed in the park with many street performers around it. It really was amazing. And then I turned around behind me and saw the dusk lit Big Ben - gorgeous! I really had forgotten how much I love this city. There is such an amazing energy here!

Well, today, I trekked on out to Stonehenge via Salisbury. Once in Salisbury I took the number 3 bus to Stonehenge through the amazingly gorgeous English countryside, and then, all of a sudden you see it - Stonehenge. It
really is amazing - and also way too windy! lol 😉. But very worth the trek out there. And I met this really great German guy who is now living in London for work. He was awesome. That's what I love about traveling - all the amazing people one can meet! It's not like L.A. where everyone is in the movie business - these people are REAL! That guy was actually a scientist - cool, eh?

And then, I returned to Salisbury to take the train back to Waterloo station - but I missed it by about 2 minutes. Luckily there are trains every hour. But, since I'm not one to wait around and not do anything, I decided to walk into Salisbury - and I'm SO glad I did! It's a great little town. The Cathedral is absolutely gorgeous! And there I met this nice guy from Delhi, India here to do research to help a community in his country build a bridge so they can get from one place to the other! How cool is that?!

After that, it was time to return to London. I went grocery shopping, made dinner, and am now typing this
entry. Well, I should be off to bed - my classes start tomorrow! 😊 Til' next time, everyone! Cheers! 😊

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