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June 23rd 2006
Published: March 18th 2007
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Day 29: Tuesday June 20: Part Two Killarney

We left the drizzly and dreary Dingle and headed to Killarney.. It
clearned up, but stayed cold. We took a Horse Carriage ride through
the park, seeing a few deer. Afterwords, we relaxed at the hostel and
then went out for the night.

What I remember about this night:
Pub: English World Cup game + Guinness, Smithwicks, Car Bomb
Lounge: Long Island Ice Tea, AK-47
Bar: Great Live Rock Band + Car Bomb, Car Bomb, Jager Bomb, Jager
Bomb, Irish Flag shot, Car Bomb, Smithwicks
Nightclub: Irish Flag shot, Water, Water, Water
Strolling home at 3:45am (Hostel curfew at 4am).. Bus the next morning at 9:30..

Day 30: Wednesday, June 21: Killarney to Dublin

Today was a long day on the bus, most were hungover or still drunk. We
stopped in Blarney to kiss the Blarney stone.. Its a funny concept to
wait in a 30 minute line to kiss a rock upside down that thousands of
others have kissed... but, ya gotta do it.. We got into Dublin around
7pm, freshened up and then headed out to the Temple Bar area, where
one bar had a Riverdance type show. It was pretty good, got in my last
couple of Dublin Guinness' and called it a night.

Day 31: Thursday, June 22: Dublin to London

In the morning, I caught the City bus tour, open top double decker. It
was a pretty chilly day, but still worth sitting up top with a fleece.
I still didn't get to make it to the Guinness Storehouse, just not
enough time, but it is a great tour of the city and I recommend it to
anyone that is spending time in Dublin.

I caught my plane in the afternoon, got to my hostel around 7pm. It
cost me more to ride the train from the airport to my station, then it
did for my flight from Dublin to London, but thats just the nature of
London I guess.

The hostel here is nice, they have cooked meals for about $5, a bar
with £1 happy hour and clean showers and beds. Can't ask for much
more. I hung around for some football (soccer) and a little Karaoke,
then headed to bed, considering I didn't have much sleep the night

Day 32: Friday, June 23: London

Today, I got on the City Bus Tour, with my first stop being Buckingham
Palace, just in time to watch the Changing of the Guard. It lasted a
full 45 minutes. It was a great performance, definiately something to
be seen. Today turned out to be perfect weather. Blue skies, sun came
out, in fact I probably have a sunburn on my head from sitting on top
of the bus. It was about 80 deg, with a slight breeze. My next stop
was the Eye of London. The big Ferris Wheel (I mean, Observation
Circle) on Thames River. It takes about half an hour to go around, and
with the weather today, was a real treat. You could see for miles at
the top, into London and beyond.

After the Eye, I got a hot dog and headed around to Big Ben and the
House of Parlament. Caught back onto the bus and headed up to the
London Dungeon. Ok, stop here.. If you EVER EVER get to London, DO
NOT, I repeat, DO NOT, get suckered into the London Dungeon. It is the
worst, over priced, lame ass, waste of time attraction ever invented.
It was £16 (almost $30), it took an hour. When you entered, they said
"Welcome to Hell".. and HELL it was. They take you from room to room,
with either bad actors, bad special effects, or bad video telling you
the stories of the horrors of London, including, the 1666 fires, Jack
the Ripper, the Black Plague, the torture chambers and I forgot what
ever else, because I think I fell asleep standing up. I kept looking
at my watch hoping upon hope that the next room was the last. But like
I said, it took an hour. DON'T GO!!!

I hoped back on the bus to go to the Tower of London. Unfortunately,
because of the time spent at the Dungeon, the Tower closed. So I will
make it back sometime this weekend. I took the included Thames river
Cruise back to the central area, passing by Shakespeares Globe
Theatre. I then found out that the bus that I needed to take back to
the hostel stopped at 6pm, even though the main line stopped at 8pm (I
thought all the lines stopped at 8pm). So I walked the mile or two
back to the hostel because I didn't want to give them the satisfaction
of more money 😊 .. Over all, it was a great day, and if I didn't stop
at the Dungeon, would have been a perfect day. The weather and the
sites of London have just been fantastic and I recommend London to

Over the next two days, I am going to head to Stonehenge and check out
the Tower of London and the British Museum. Maybe even head out to
Greenwich, to check out that whole Central Time thingy.. Until then,
hope life is treating you well, as it definately is me.



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