Day 4: American Ignorance at its Finest

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November 9th 2018
Published: November 22nd 2018
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I have to say this is not my proudest moment, but one that needs to be shared. Shelby and I were spending the day wondering the city and visiting museums. We made it to the Victoria and Albert Museum (Art), the Natural History Museum (HUGE Blue whale and adventure into the core of the earth), and attempted to find Buckingham Palace. We were nonchalantly strolling down a mall walkway chatting with a fellow from Vancouver who was in town for the weekend and parted ways. We turned to our right and saw a large building with a crowd in front of it and decided to check it out. We were walking about the grounds admiring the garden, gates, fountains, building and looked at each other and said we must be close to Buckingham Palace. Is this it? There were several security offices around and you couldn't walk up to the doors of the building to go in and there we were stuck in a bit of a conundrum to ask and be those fools who don't know what they stumbled onto or not know. We looked for signs for a few minutes and saw none and just as I approached the security to ask low and behold a sign stating no guns on Buckingham Palace. Funny that was the only sign we could find, but grateful it was there to prevent us from being that person. We had a great laugh as we strolled away. Here is a picture for you all in case you don't know. I am not sure if Shelby and I were both sick that day in history or art class whenever United Kingdom history is covered in school (if it is), but we were clueless.


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