Days 2 to 4 in London (Thursday, Friday & Saturday)

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October 27th 2018
Published: October 27th 2018
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On Thursday, after an early breakfast in the hotel, Jo and I caught the tube to Charing Cross Station and then a train to Orpington and took a taxi to Jo’s house.

Jo then drove us to Jean and Ron’s, where Christine (my other cousin) and Frank joined us for a few hours.

We left about 2pm and came back into town, stopping for an early dinner in China Town. At 7pm, we met Jess at Kings Cross Station for a drink and then caught the tube back to Russell Square and our hotel.

Yesterday (Friday), we walked around to see the Charles Dickens Museum in Doughty Street first, then carried on to the Museum of London.

After lunch at the Museum, we walked down to St Pauls Cathedral and joined a tour of the Cathedral for the rest of the afternoon.

Dinner was in an Italian restaurant next to the hotel.

Today (Saturday), after breakfast in the hotel, I checked out and caught a taxi from the hotel to Liverpool St Station for the train to Stansted Airport. From there, I caught a taxi to the AFC, dropped off my bags and waited for Christine to arrive. Together we walked into Stansted Mountfitchet for lunch at The Dog and Duck pub and some shopping. It was about 6 degrees, with a bitter breeze blowing so it was quite brisk.

In the afternoon, we were given the keys to our room (3) in Clock Cottage. We moved in and had a cup of tea before going up to the Sanctuary for the group meeting.

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Photos: 17, Displayed: 17


27th October 2018

Wow! You have packed so much into your first few days. You have hit the ground literally running. Enjoy your courses. Got your lovely birthday card and my first Christmas Card the other day with gift cards which were much appreciated. Saw the other day only 60 days to Christmas. Gosh! Christmas decorations are all up at the shops and Santa comes next week. Shall have to get organised! Loving all the photos. Luv MA
29th October 2018

These places all have such cute names. The Dog and Duck. Clock Cottage. Sounds like your college trip is something like a Harry Potter academy. Animal communication sounds interesting. And useful - can you please practice telling the neighbour's cat to fuck off from my yard? He's taken over and my cats won't go outside :(. Where is your moggy staying while you're away?
30th October 2018

Great names
Hi Beetle, yes, names are great. I will talk to you about it when I get back. It could be good practice for me. xo

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