Day Five- A lot of walking

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June 30th 2018
Published: June 30th 2018
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Slept in again today but this time it was accidental. Trudi and I left the house at around 10:30 but we still managed to fit in a lot of sights and a lot of walking!

We caught the tube to Embankment station and from there went across the Thames and walked for ages to Shakespeare’s Globe. Unfortunately we got there at 12:30 and tours finished at 12, so the only way we could have gotten in was to go see Hamlet at 2pm. I love Shakespeare, but I don’t think I could actually sit through an entire one of his plays. Plus we didn’t want to waste the day waiting so we decided to just check out the gift shop and then continue on with our day.

From the Globe we walked all the way down to the Tower Bridge, then across to the Tower of London where we spent around 10 minutes debating whether or not to pay the $40 entrance fee. We decided against it, we will both most likely have more money to burn the next time we’re in London so we were both happy to wait til then.

After that we walked to St Paul’s Cathedral, determined to make it inside this one and have at least one success for the day. We were about to head inside but then we realised tickets were £16 (just under $30) each. We umm-ed and ahh-ed for a while before deciding to pretend we were there to pray (so we could get in for free) but then our guilt got the better of us. Once again we decided to leave it, as we just weren’t sure if looking at the inside of a church was worth $30.

At this point we felt pretty defeated that we’d walked about 15,000 steps in a few hours without entering any attractions so we sat down for a few minutes trying to decide how we could make the day better. Then I remembered that the British Museum is free, so we figured out how to get there by tube (we weren’t walking ANY further).

The British Museum was incredible, the most amazing museum I have ever seen. We got there quite late in the day so we couldn’t stay for long but we had a long look at the mummies. On the way home we stopped in at a flower shop and a Sainsbury’s to get some thank you presents for Trudi’s aunt and uncle, then did a bit more walking. We collapsed as soon as we got home.

We had a delicious salmon dinner outside until around 10pm, then had some tea and went to bed (yes, once again I’m writing this the next day, it’s very hard to stay awake at night).


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