The Queen and The Phantom......what a day to remember

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June 2nd 2009
Published: June 3rd 2009
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Today is to be a bit more relaxed in terms of sightseeing as we have booked tickets for Phantom of the Opera at Her Majestys theatre.It is the last major show of our generation that we havent seen live on stage and our chance to do it at the theatre that has been playing it continuosly for the last 23 years is too great to resist.
Without wanting to sound boring the day has dawned gloriously fine again and high 20's expected again today.
So its shorts and short sleeve shirt again and its great being able to go out without the need for a jacket just in case.Thats how confident we are of this fine sunny weather continuing during the day.
The underground was a little busier this morning but no so much that there weren't seats available by the time the train reached our station from its start 4 stations earlier.
Riding the London tube has been a quite different experience to that of Moscow for instance.At least here our fellow travellers don't look like zombies(or most of them that are still awake on the way home!!)and there is some animation and even an acknowledgement if you meet them coming in your side of the doorway.The hardest thing to take on the 30 to 40 minute ride at the moment (depending upon where we get on or off)has been the heat as the line we are on isn't air conditioned and opening the windows at the end of the carriages doesnt seem to do much to get the air circulating.
First stop today was Victoria Station just to get an idea how the biggest station in London worked.Not only is the railway lines to the southeast here on over 20 platforms but there is also a bus station for long distance buses and of course the underground.There were heaps of people trollying suitcases and presumably had just arrived in England having come off the Heathrow Express.
Then it was just down the road to Westminster Cathedral which is of the Catholic brand.Not a fancy cathedral but there were interesting chapels down one side each with its own name and dedicated to another part of the UK.
The main event of the morning was next at nearby Buckingham Palace.
With the sun shining brightly agin there were thousands of people all heading for the same venue as us.
The viewing
One of eachOne of eachOne of each

During the ceremony these two dudes just walked backwards and forwards across the "yard"approaching and then turning away from the fence.They always appeared to be very casual compared to the rest of the ceremony.
area to watch the changing of the guard is right across the front of the palace and down part of each side of the "front yard"and there is actually quite a large area.Still by the time we chose a spot on on the side we were still 2 back from the fence but with a good view through the railings.
Two bands marched in about 10 minutes before the ceremony was due to start and they were there to play music during the change of the guard.
The guards to be changed were the ones that wear the big busby hats and they were being replaced by a lot that just had peaked hats.
As the ceremony got underway more people seemed to turn up behind us and they were about 5 deep with those on the outside surely unable to get a decent view at all.
It was all pomp and ceremony as soldiers marched here and there and everywhere.There was so much going on it was impossible to keep up with it all.And they do this everyday as long as it isnt raining!!
At the end of the 40 minute ceremony the bands marched off in different directions and the crowd filtered away.
The palace was not as impressive as it looks on TV but it was still another of those special occasions we have had on this adventure.The Queen was home because her standard was flying from the flagpole and there were people all dressed up going in before the changing of the guard started.Shame we couldn't get an invite for lunch if thats what they were going in for.Would have just put the icing on the cake for the day!!
We headed off up the Mall past Clarence House where the Queen Mother lived when she was alive although you couldnt see a lot from the street.
Had sandwiches and a baguette from EAT as we walked towards Covent Garden which is like a fast sandwich outfit where you can also grab a stool and eat in.Very tasty if a bit expensive for what we had.Must say the tasty ceese we have had here is very yummy and not as salty as in NZ.
We took in a guy singing opera in Covent Garden to an audience at an outdoor restaurant.He actually wasn't too bad.
Then it was time for the main afternoon event,taking in a performance of Phantom of the Opera at the historic Her Majestys Theatre.
We had excellent seats in the front row of the Grand Circle in a theatre that was about three quarters full.Not bad for a matinee for a show that has been playing at this theatre uninterupted for 23 years !!!!
We have seen pretty well all of the big shows of our generation either in New York or Auckland and we were pleased we had saved the Phanton until we finally got to the West End of London.
The orchestra produced sound that was so much better than we have heard in other shows we have been to and that includes some of the ones in New York which at the time we had thought were great.
The singing was tremendous particulary the Phantom,Raul and Christine,the leads in the story.
What can I say about the special effects but W O W !!!!!!!!!The chandelier was just above our eyeline and when it came crashing down at the end of the first act we were in the best spot to see it all.Plus the parts where the Phantom glides the boat with Christine through the underground waterway were just so believing.We are still trying to figure out how it was done particulary when you realise that there quick scene changes to something completely different after the boat ones.
It is interesting to think that this show started in this theatre before some of the actors in todays performance were even born !!!
If you are coming to London DON'T miss it!!!!
Two major highlights of our adventure in one day!!!!
We decided to have dinner in town but needed to fill in a bit of time after the show finished at 5pm so we walked up to Selfridges which we didn't quite get to do yesterday afternoon.
Apart from perhaps Smith & Caughey in Auckland NZ just doesnt have any classy department stores any more.The smell of perfume wafted as soon as you went in the front door and there seemed to be just about every label available to try and buy.
We rode the escalator to the 4th floor and then made our way down taking each floor in as we descended.
We walked onto Park Lane and followed the road down towards Piccadilly admiring the large and expensive hotels in this area some with ballrooms set aside for special occasions.
The early part of Piccadilly from the Park Lane end is made up mainly of gentlemens clubs and we passed men dressed to the nines presumably heading for some special cocktail party in one of these clubs.
We had dinner at a Wetherstones pub(as recommended by Rin) called Lord of the Moons inWhitehall.They have a menu with meals at a very good price and their beers are generally lower priced than other pubs we have been into(and that numbers quite a few now!!!)
I had the Shepherds Pie while Gretchen opted for the cod.Our beer accompliament was a pint of cold but rather flat John Smith brew.
Crossed that one off our list of future beers!!
We were pretty tired by the time we got home just before 9pm and we wern't long before calling it a night.

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3rd June 2009

No more complaining about the heat please...this morning it is 2 degrees in Auckland and our front steps were iced over. Its Auckland, we dont get ice!!!! I would do anything to swap this cold for some unbearable heat....even if it is the tube in London squashed in at rush hour!
4th June 2009

Glad you are getting thru all the top things in London! :-) You must have walked a couple of inches off your legs with all the walking you seem to have been doing! And stoked to see you have picked up the habit of calling it the Tube (the right way) rather than the subway! :-) Did you use the bathrooms in Selfridges? They can always be relied upon for a fancy, clean bathroom!
4th June 2009

Howdy Happy Travellers.
What a WOW of a time you two are having and you write about it so well it is like being there. Pleased to see Murray is enjoying his travels again, Shorn says Hi to him and is looking forward to his next venture also
4th June 2009

Oh my god, Phantom - How awesome. Kerrin and I saw it in New York some 20 years ago - it was absolutely incredible - so much so that last year we went to the show again in Auckland - just as grand and spectacular - still know all the songs off by heart when I hear them. I am so jealous you have seen it......
8th June 2009

Heading over your way
Bags are packed and we're ready to fly-heard weather has turned a bit cooler-see if you can warm it up for us. DD is getting bumper news and loving it
9th June 2009

R U out there
Howdy Happy Travelers. Have those corner pubs and their liquid refreshments got the better of the two of you? Blogg withdrawal symptoms are setting in down here!!! Cheers from down under.

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