Ilford, Essex with cousin Rosemarie

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July 10th 2007
Published: July 10th 2007
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I feel like I have a lot to catch you all up on - and it's only been a couple days! And...I just got my first complaint, asking, "where's the update?"

First things first - my cousin Rosemarie brought to my attention a "typo" / mistake from a previous blog, and it's one that needs to be corrected. I mentioned Aunt Brigid, my great aunt in Derby, as being "my mom's mom." Uhm, well...since she's a nun, this is not the case! 😊 Soooo, to clarify, and to relieve our family from future scandal, Aunt Brigid is my mom's mom's sister - or more simply put, my gram's sister.

While I'm in "confuse the reader" mode, let me explain how my cousin Rosemarie and I are related: My mom's mom (gram) was 1 of 6 children, and gram also had 6 children of her own (including my mom). One of my gram's sisters is my (Great) Aunt Brigid (as you now know...!), & one of her brothers is Rosemarie's father, John Joe. That wasn't too complicated now, was it? And I'm sure I could have simplified it even further by saying it's another one of gram/Aunt Brigid's siblings... 😊

It's funny, it never fails - - every time I come visit my family in England/Ireland, I create a quick, hand-written family tree, to get it all down, & keep it all straight! And each time I come, I don't have my "cheat sheet" with me from the prior visit, so I have to re-confirm (again) how we all relate, and re-create! This morning I confirmed with Rosemarie that her dad, John Joe, was gram/Aunt Brigid's we're all straight again...

Kathleeen (Rosemarie's sister) ... and Rosemarie? Let me know if I'm on...!

Okie dokie - let's back up a bit, then I'll move forward to my arrival in Ilford...

Last I blogged it was Saturday, 7/7/07, before the "Fete" at St. Mary's (and a super lucky day!). Another quick clarification - there are 2 "St. Mary's" I was referring to in the last entry - one is the nursing home where my Aunt Brigid lives, and the other is a church in Derby where some of the other sisters reside - I never did get to have "tea" with the other sisters... 😞

The "fete" was a great success, the nursing home/adjacent convent made over 1,000£ (which is apx. $2,000)! The weather held up, after a couple weeks of all rain, all the time. I so loved seeing all the sisters outside, getting air 'cuz as nice as the nursing home is, nothing beats a little sunshine & fresh air! I took several pictures (which I'll post asap) of the sisters sitting on the benches/in their wheelchairs outside, along the building, taking in the sun and fun. They had a 15-20-piece band, too that played all kindsa music...from Bohemian Rhapsody by the old classic, Moon River. The purpose of the "fete" is to raise money, and they do so by various raffles, and sales.

After the "fete" I was able to talk to Greg for a bit, which was yummy ... though we were cut short 'cuz mass was shortly after we connected. Mass used to happen daily, but now it's only once a week - - some say due to a priest shortage/many busy priests...who knows...but it's sad to have a nursing home/convent full of religious, and have only one mass per week. I sang a song at communion, which was my personal, small addition to their weekly service. The best part is that many joined in and sang along with me (I Am the Bread of Life).

My Aunt Brigid lives in St. Mary's Nursing Home, and there's an adjacent "Sisters of Mercy" convent, where the chapel is. When I come visit, I stay in a room over at the convent, and eat breakfast & supper (dinner) there. For dinner (lunch), I typically eat with my Aunt and the other sisters in the dining room. Per my Aunt Brigid, dinner = lunch....and supper = dinner. Lunch/dinner is the "main" meal - which I prefer, actually!

On Sunday, I spent most of the day with my aunt, since it was my last day (and there are no buses to town on Sunday). I had breakfast, and went over to see her, giving her the photo album I put together for her. We went through it together several times throughout the day. It included pics from the "cousins party," as well as a few other, misc photos I had with me/on the camera. We had dinner (lunch), and after, went outside for some air/sunshine. My Aunt was in a wheelchair, so we went up and down the amazing driveway / entranceway...and into/around the many gardens on-site - all beautiful! They also have cows, horses, (many) bunnies...and all kinds of birds (black & white magpies - sp? - being the coolest that I'd seen!) We had a great day...and since my chat with Greg Saturday was cut short, we talked again for a bit Sunday night, which I looked forward to & enjoyed.

I did take a bit of a "break" for myself before supper, taking a long walk in a direction I hadn't ventured to before...and WOW, I was confronted by some spectacular views! The countryside, rolling hills, green-ness, trees, cottages-homes - absolutely stunning. I took several panoramic photos from a tree I leaned up against for quite a while - taking it all in It was so peaceful, tranquil & beautiful...I had many thoughts of how lucky I am, and grateful to be where I was...see what I was seeing...

Sunday night I packed up my things, ready to leave the next morning. I didn't rush my departure. I woke up Monday and got out when I got out. I was able to spend an hour with Aunt Brigid, saying goodbye, getting her up & going for the day. And it was sad to leave her...however, I did so knowing she's in great hands.

I took the 12:02 train to London...switched trains...and head up to Ilford to my cousin, Rosemarie's home. I arrived apx. 3-4pm, and 1 of her 3 sons came to meet me & take me back to the house. Last night I treasured moments spent in the living room with Rosemarie and her 2 daughters, Kate & Niamh (pronounced Neeve). We talked about everything...catching up on all the kids, my work, Rosemarie's travels - we covered a lot! Afterwards I went with Rosemarie to the store... and WHAT A STORM - THUNDER & LIGHTENING AS I HAVE NOT SEEN IN A LOOOONG TIME! It was incredible...and as is typical, I turned into a 4-year old child, running into the store, through the puddles, getting SOAKED! We had a cup of tea & a snack....catching up even further...and warming up...before even attempting to shop!

Shopping - now they're on to something here I've never seen in the US (perhaps it exists - and I'm clueless?) First of all, the shopping carts are designed to hold different types of items, i.e., long loaves of bread - - separate & protected from the other groceries. Rosemarie brings her own bags (enviro friendly), so as we're shopping, this is the best part - - we scan items into a little dealie on the cart...and bag the items as we shop. When we check out, we simply hand the little dealie to the we're on our way! I loved it - and while we shopped, I got to push the cart and click the dealie to scan each item...I kept thinking Rosemarie was giving me groceries to sample and/or put in the cart - yet no, I had a job to do - scan & bag....too funny!

We had an amazing dinner of lamb chops & pasta ... and watched a bit of TV, took the girls to their friends house...basically, layed low. I always feel so welcomed/part of the family when I'm here! 😊

Rosemarie fixed up a bed for me...and I was in bed by 12ish...and of course...couldn't sleep 'cuz my brain wouldn't shut off. I finally got to sleep, and got up around 8:30. Today's a bit gloomy, the boys went to bed a bit late, and we all (except Rosemarie) got off to a slow start, I think! Rosemarie's always going, I have no clue how she does it, yet as busy as she is...and with as much as she has going on, and on her mind, she's very present, and she spends lotsa time chatting with me...! We've had several in-depth, meaningful, memorable chats about this...that...and everything else!

ALL RIGHTY THEN - I've gotta wrap this up...and I'll do more later/tomorrow! Sorry for the delay folks...though today I have the benefit of time being on my side with the time change! I think most of you are just getting up, or about to get up for the day...! Have a great Tuesday!



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