Saturday in Derby, "Fete"

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July 7th 2007
Published: July 7th 2007
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HELLO ALL! I have half an hour today to type away! I read yesterday's entry, and it's pretty clear I didn't want to spend the time reading it over in case I lost it, as I did an email to Greg...! Glad it went through though - - - phew....! 😊

If any of you are having problems with viewing my entries and/or photos and/or posting comments, send me an email to, and I'll try 'n help you. I think most of you are doing a-ok at this point, based on comments/emails...but anyone's having trouble, let me know. However, duh...if you are having may not access this entry to know to email me, huh? Oh well...!

Ok, so I'm in Derby, and the line to use "free internet" is pretty long . I'm glad I made an appt. yesterday! 😊 I started to talk in yesterday's entry/blog about my mode of transport here. When I've come to see my Aunt Brigid in the past, I've taken a cab to/from the nursing home. This time, I found the bus...and 1) it's easy; and 2) the stop is a bit down the street, and very close to where she is! Also, its given me a bit more mobility while here, to see a bit of Derby (pronounced "Darby").

Yesterday was my first time in town/taking the bus into the City, and I loved venturning around. I'm trying to find "St. Mary's Church" at Bridge Gate...and there are TONS of churches. I know, I can ask...but I figured I'd run into it, and I haven't (yet). I was invited to St. Mary's to have tea with the sisters, by Sr. Rafael, who I met a couple years ago when I was here (after-hip-surgery visit). She remembered I'd visited back when I was in college...late 80s...and I had no recollection - - yet SHE did! So, I am going to take her up on the tea invite...and see if my being there will trigger my memory a bit! Aunt Brigid used to be there...which is why I was there back in college - - that's where I visited her then.

Derby's a quaint city/town - though like many charming cities/towns, the big chains are taking over. I mean, I haven't seen a Starbucks here in Derby, but they're on EVERY corner in London! There's a Subway across the street from the library here - so that chain made it over...! Derby still has a lot of small stores/shops, and of course, pubs, small hotels, and as mentioned, a ton of churches! I went into Derby Cathedral (and said a lil' prayer for y'all), and it was beautiful. Other than that, I spent most of my time yesterday walking around, getting lost, and finding my way again (which sounds crazy - but that's what I do & love it! What can I say - maps are overrated sometimes!)

Today, upon arrival, I went to the train station to confirm I had a RT train ticket (back to London/St. Pancras), and I do. I also got the train schedule for Monday...and asked about getting to Ilford, Essex, which is where my cousin Rosemarie lives. They told me to go back to St. Pancras...hop over to Liverpool stop on the tube...and that from there, a train will take me to Ilford/Essex. Rosemarie is an incredibly busy mom, who amazes me with her attitude, energy, and simply her being! I'll rave more about her and her family when/after I see her! 😊

I also stopped by the P.O. for a couple stamps...and then came right over to the library. Ah, the other thing I did yesterday - I made prints of the photos I took at my cousin's party. Aunt Brigid is my mom's mom...and all the cousins/aunts/uncles there she knows! I also bought a small photo album to put them all in for her. After I'm done here at the library, I have to return to the shop (up the street) and get prints of the pics I took of her & I (I spaced doing so yesterday). Though there will be more taken, I'm sure, getting these few printed will at least give her some for this trip that I can include in the album. I shared the pics I took at the party with her, on the camera...but having them printed & put in an album will be much better/easier for her to see - and she can go back and look again if she wants - as well, I can go over them again with her (she forgets a lot)! She shared with me a few albums she has - which are these gave me the idea.

Ok, I just got my 5 minute I was finishing up reading this over! I'm off to print more pics for my Aunt - and OH, the "fete" I mentioned in the subject - there's a small party/festival at St. Mary's today to raise money - - (3 mins remaining...& counting)...and that's at 1-2pm...I'll be back by then. I hope to talk to my honey, Greg as well ... and after that, we have 3:50 (odd time, but the priest who does mass at the local church comes to the nursing home to say it there before he does his own mass at 5pm).

OK, with that all bein' said...take care all! HAPPY SATURDAY!


7th July 2007

this is very cool Laura
First time I got to see one of these... all the others didn't open but this one is there... thank you Laura! My love to Aunt Brigit please! Love, Brother #2
8th July 2007

It finally let me do it!
Hey girl, First time I'm able to post a comment.....wahoo! Cindy says "Hi Mom! Aunt Michele is giving me lots of treats, and my new best friend Stuart keeps me company almost all the time. Just wish that damn Chester wouldn't keep licking his chops every time he smells me." Sounds like you're maintaining the whirlwind pace, girl. You must be having a blast! I'm jealous of all the sight-seeing. We're thinking about you!
9th July 2007 large....
I hope the waether is better in the UK than it is here in Germany. It feels like Californian winter (on the bad side too). You'd love it though, it keeps raining... Sorry for being out of touch a bid, but I couldn't find an internet connection that stuck. Stay away from vehicles that smell like gasoline up there in the UK would you. Gerhard PS: Vamos a la got ot be kidding me. Now I have this thing stuck in my brain for the rest of the evening too, and I hated it when it was hip.....

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