From London on Layover

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December 30th 2005
Published: December 30th 2005
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A Wonderful Send-Off!A Wonderful Send-Off!A Wonderful Send-Off!

I felt very blessed to have a great send-off. I looked at these photos often while I was away. Thank you!
Hi Everyone. And to those of you who came to the airport, thank you so much for the fabulous send-off! I was moved to tears. The last couple of days in Phoenix, I've been so present to how very much I love my life and appreciate all of you. I'm going to miss being able to pick up the phone and call you, or grab a cup of coffee whenever we want. I'll miss you...already do. And thank you, Gia for the fabulous Phoenix sweatshirt. I had to check my carry-on bag, and forgot that my change of clothes were in there...I was in short-sleeves (as it is beautiful and warm in Phoenix right now...sorry to those of you in other places!) Anyway, as I sit here in London and was on a chilly plane, I really appreciated the sweatshirt...and it will make someone in India the proud owner of their very own cactus sweatshirt! 😊

So far, it has already been interesting. For starters, I watched War of the Worlds on the plane...what a diappointment. If you missed it in the theaters, consider yourself lucky and don't catch it. However, the best part of the flight was this wonderful
Ryan on the Plane to LondonRyan on the Plane to LondonRyan on the Plane to London

Ryan on the flight over to London. He was carring a stuffed thing that was a memento of a special time with his wife and daughter. You can't see the crazy guy in this shot, unfortunately.
little pill my doctor prescribed. I usually suffer on overseas flights because I have trouble sleeping. He gave me a mild relaxant (can't remember the name right now and it is in my bag somewhere else) and sedative. I can't even tell you how great it was! I took it and shortly thereafter I was sound asleep...I slept through some scarey turbulance that I'm glad I missed...and was dreaming for five solid hours. I woke up completely refreshed and not at all groggy. Yay! After our seven hour layover here, I'll take another one on the 9 hour flight to Delhi and arrive ready to go! We're spending New Year's Eve in Agra (which is where the Taj Mahal is) and will be at a huge New Year's celebration and then see the Taj on New Year's Day. I hope I get to write from there because I can't wait...and I want to share it with all of you. We are due to arrive in Delhi at 10:30 am (12 and a half hours later than Phoenix) on the 31st. We'll be met by a driver who will take us to Agra.

Oh, and a funny story too. Four of us were seated together in a middle row on the plane and Ryan was on the aisle in a two seat row next to us. The man that sat next to him by the window was an interesting character. He had headphones on and sang weird songs for most of the flight...and loudly. Then he regularly abused the flight attendant. We felt sorry for both Ryan and the flight attendant, but couldn't help giggling everytime this guy burst into song. Ryan was such a trooper tho...he was straight faced and headphone clad the whole time. We figured as a sex crimes detective he has delt with much worse...and was better suited to deal with him than the rest of us. Yet, when we got off the plane, Ryan really vented...still much more gracious (yet colorful) than I would have been.

That's all I've got for is going on 2:00 in the afternoon here in London, so all of you back home are just waking up. Good morning and have a wonderful day! I'm sending lots of love your way. And, since I won't be in communication before, happy new year's...kiss and hug eachother for me...and someone kiss my Niko for me!


30th December 2005

Travel well
Jody, Thanks for the smile. Wish I could have been at the airport to see you off but had two LFIA communicator calls to complete Thurs night. May your long flight to Delhi be "dreamy." Blessings to you and your GSE team. Love, Deenie.
30th December 2005

Happy New Year!!
This is soooo cool! Can't wait for all of your entries! Buy poor Ryan a drink for me - I think we all know how it is to travel with the guy from hell sitting next to you! ( I was on a full plane once with a baby sitting next to me that started screaming as soon as the cabin pressure kicked in and never stopped the entire trip! I swear this was the biggest, loudest baby in the world!!) Can you send pictures of the New Years celebration? Escpecially of the Taj Mahal during the day. I am so excited for you - what an amazing experience! P.S. I spent $50 last night and got $200 worth of stuffed animals for next years Xmas families!! Love ya Pammy aka Pam
30th December 2005

Send lots of pictures
How cool! New Years at the Taj. Please make sure you post lots of pictures. Happy New Year to the entire team. Have a great time. Do they have Tequila in India?
30th December 2005

Happy New Year
I don't think anyone can top the Taj Mahal for New Years. Bill and I are going to Casa Rincon in Sedona and will certainly toast to your grand adventure and you will be in my heart as well. Leggy
31st December 2005

Happy New Year!
Jody, Your trip so far sounds fabulous! Having made that trans-Atlantic flight many times, I can appreciate a good sleep and a bad movie! Gia, Judi, Ramona, Val, Teresa, Phaedra and I just saw "Memoirs of a Geisha" and all agree it was awesome -- very beautiful and very well done. We missed you! Have the best New Year's ever. Thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Deb
31st December 2005

You've all probably landed in India by now and are most likely in Agra. Happy New Year should occur in about 3-1/2 hours. Have a very Happy New Year and give Mike a smooch for me. Please tell him that he received best wishes e-mails from PDG Gary, cousin Gerald and phone best wishes from former team leader Jeanie M., Phelecia and Crazy Al. Also, Vassant will have a SIM card for you to put into a cell phone when you get to Chennai. Hope one of you has a cell phone with you.
2nd January 2006

Thanks for you blog !!
2nd January 2006

Dear Jody,As you can probably tell I'm a novice at using this blog site. but I want to thank you for the updates, as we will relate them to our club. Please give Mike and Debbie our regards and that we miss them terribly and wonder what new experience you all are into at the moment.the airport goodbye was special and we wish you all the best. Love, Carolee and Gerrit

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