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October 12th 2006
Published: October 13th 2006
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Ok ok... travel blog... but this one is mine and I'll write whatever I want! :p hihi
Anyways...just got home from the Slug... drunk drunk drunk! I love those snake pints...they'll always have a place in my heart... thanks, aussie Aaron, for making me try deliciousness that gets me drunk in a heartbeat! I sooooooooooooo needed it... actually, still do! But anyways...

Yeah, nothing useful to say... it's late, I'm still drunk, but I don't have class tomorrow morning! :D Life's good again... besides the one I didn't go to today and went shopping instead, which was followed by a stroll in the park with a hot guy checking me out, but I'm stupid and turned my head the other way... oh yeah, and that happened 3 times!! How stupid can a person be in just one day?!

Anyways.. night, world!


13th October 2006

i bet i can be as stupid as u are!!!! hihihihiihihi =P beijocassss
15th October 2006

comentário retardado
me lembrou de harry potter. haha existe no sexto livro o SLUG CLUB HAHAHAHAHHAHA miss ya.

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