Derbyshire 191 - Chesterfield - someone watching over me/Gabby going on a trip to a walled garden eventually

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December 13th 2020
Published: December 13th 2020
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Saturday - So what happened yesterday? We would dearly love to know. What on earth happened to prevent the completion going ahead? As I walked around the shop I pondered that question. Could not do anything about it today . The estate agents might be open but they will not have any idea . The solicitors do not open until Monday so we cannot pester them for answers . No doubt we will find out what happened eventually and get some answers . I guess none though will be what we want to hear . After shopping it became light enough to set out on the Saturday walk . The rain fell lightly . Just enough to soak me and dampen my enthusiasm . Even sunshine would not have made me enthusiastic today . A new plaque appeared on a wall on Longedge Lane . A eastern vision watching me . Chesterfield was there in the distance . I could see the crooked spire . I could even pick out my office . I should not be looking at that view . Today I should be waking up in our new house and walking a different path . One along the river where I read there were kingfishers , herons , ceramic plaques telling of the wildlife and a model coracle . Instead it was down to the main road and the never ending drone of cars . Even on a Saturday .

Sunday - another day of not knowing the answers . Tomorrow we might find out something . Perhaps if all goes well we might get exchange by Friday . Sunday was swimming day . What are you doing here - a fellow swimmer asked ? You are supposed to be in Wales . Perhaps today will be my last swim I thought .

Monday - The day started as it normally started . With another swim . We heard nothing about the lack of the move . The week began wet as always this time of the year. Very little sign of the sun and no sign of an explanation about the lack of exchange . We rang the caravan park where Gabby was going to stay to tell them that things had not quite gone according to plan . Gabby was going for a six month holiday to Emral Gardens . She would reside in the walled garden of the old hall . The hall had gone many years ago the way they all seem to go . Too large and top heavy to maintain . We had booked her in months ago and were relieved to hear that the owners had no problem holding on to the plot for us . Six months holiday for Gabby . It would be odd not to have her on the drive . The new house has a narrow drive which needs widening . A lamppost needs moving and perhaps a kerb needs dropping . All work that needs to be done but will have to wait until we get the house in ship shape order .

Tuesday /Wednesday - the removals cancelled . They were Ok too . Ring up when you are ready .

Thursday - finally go the answer -an unadopted road . We felt annoyed that we were being left in the lurch . Why had this not been noticed by the buyers at the start of the chain ? Surely they had noticed it when they went to view the house next in line in the chain . More questions - no answers . We waited .

Friday and Saturday . Back again to where we were last week . A week has passed by since the failure to complete . Nothing happened this week . It seems there is deadlock . A bit like Brexit . One side wants one thing and the other have their own agenda . Swimming , shopping and more walking . I want a new walk . I want a new challenge . Perhaps Monday we will hear something .

Sunday/Monday / Tuesday/ Wednesday - Swim , swim, walk , swim and work . Still here and still no nearer resolving the situation . Boxes packed and unpacked . We think of holidays Greece - what we would give to go there . We no longer will be able to travel for so long . Forgot that we would not longer be treated as Europeans with free access to Europe . We would be third class countries and would need visas to stay longer than 90 days in 180. We were glad we had no dog . If we had then up to the 31st December we were welcome in Europe with a dog passport . The very same dog passport was considered not good enough on the 1st January 2021. The rows still rumble on just like our house move .

Thursday - At last the indemnity policy has finally been signed . Its December and we are good to go. Don't get too excited we thought though .


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