The night before it all starts

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September 6th 2009
Published: September 6th 2009
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Hi all

Well this is an experience in itslef. I apologuise now for my spelling as i'm not sure there is a spell check on here yet and my typing is a little dyslexic!!!! Nath and I have had an odd day, rushing around sorting last minute things. Had fmaily visiting and lots of texts to reply to so thatnk you to those of you that thought of us today and sorry if we have been distant but you wont believe how much we ahve spent planning today.

Been moaning and arguing a lot today but thinks its the stress, it still doesn't feel real, I wonder when it will. Dont think i'll sleep tonight worrying about the flight. I'm all calm I thin but every now and then keep panicing. Anyway i'm trating this a bit otoo much like a dairy so sorry for the rambling whilst I adjust to the tone of this thing.

Cant wait for New Zealand, almost feels like USA si somewhere "I have to visit " just to get there. Can't wait to see Ben and Heather, join the Flying Kiwi tour and do some voluntary work, Haven't worked for so long now.

Anyway I really should be sorting last minute things, so hopefully be writing in you tmr in the USA

bye xx


7th September 2009

Well the big day has arrived, have a safe flight at the start of your big adventure. We are sure that you will have a fantastic time and look forward to following your progress x
10th September 2009

Have Fun
It's really scary untill you start then its fun all the way. We did it with two kids 2 years ago.

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