Zurich and home

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Europe » Switzerland
September 20th 2011
Published: August 2nd 2011
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This is our last stop in Switzerland. It is such a beautiful city, but we are beginning to feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and are longing for home. On our arrival in Zurich, Gary of course had to try the cuisine at the train station; one must never leave a sausage uneaten! As always, our friends the Wilhelms have showed us the best of Zurich. We wandered the streets, visited the University and the Framunster Reformed Church with windows by Marc Chagall. My highlight though, was lunch at an amazing vegetarian restaurant; the selections and the marvelous food even impressed Gary (yes, the same guy the ate choucrute 3 days running).

We took a local tram to the airport for the flight home. We eschewed the shuttle service offered by the hotel as we were feeling very "European" by now. The term sardine occurred to me several times during the 40 minute trip. That said, we Americans should take a few notes on pubic transportation from the Swiss. Gary and I traveled from one end of the country to the other and only used a car when traveling to France. In the big cities the buses, trams and trains can be crowded, but we could travel with ease without a car, even in the smallest towns. Something to think about.

Auf Widersehen for the last time,
Mary and Gary

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