Around the World in 42 days - Day 12 - Interlaken

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February 24th 2010
Published: March 8th 2010
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My apologies for the long overdue blog. It’s been a busy week and I have only now found some time to bring everyone up to speed!

Day Twelve
24 February 2010
Location: Interlaken (Switzerland)
Hotel: Hotel Krebs

Well, I finished off the last blog with Erin and I coming down with a pretty severe case of food poisoning. I don’t want to go into detail and I’m unable to discuss what we ate as the thought of the meal that caused the illness still makes me queasy.

I can tell you, regrettably, that day 12 were a complete write off. With both of us suffering from the painful effects of food poisoning on and off during the course of the night, we got little sleep. Luckily the worst was over by the time the sun rose above the neighbouring mountains and we simply need to recover our energy.

Now I’m sure that most people reading this have experienced food poisoning themselves and can empathise with how draining it is on your body. Both Erin and I found ourselves running on empty and we could barely leave the bed, let alone get up and enjoy our day. We spent the next 24 hours in and out of bed and trying to sleep when we could.

I managed to get up enough energy about noon to walk downstairs and down the street to the local supermarket to buy some water and Powerade, but that was the most strenuous thing that either of us could muster. As night fell, we started to worry that we would not be healthy enough to take advantage of our last day in Interlaken and make it to the top of the Jungfraujoch. The Jungfraujoch is the main reason why we had decided to come to Interlaken and the thought of missing it was heartbreaking. It was bad enough that we were losing a day of skiing school and the fun of the first flyer.

We continued to sleep and replenish our fluids through the night and I’m happy to report that both of us rose the next day to a much brighter outlook.

Paul & Erin


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