Q-do i like switzerland?

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Interlaken
October 9th 2005
Published: October 9th 2005
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A-ahh, hell to the yes!

i dont have much time to talk, but i just want everyone to know that switzerland is the most amazing place ever. i think all the people who actually live here must be people who were really awesome in a past life and God is rewarding them right now by letting them always be in this astounding place.

be prepared for a deluge of photos.

a few things i have done so far¨, to be explained in greater detail later
jumped off an alp (paragliding)
lots of petting of animals (sheep, cows, goats, chickens, beetles)
mexican food eating
american food eating
mountain climbing
friend making
seriously this place is amazing. the past two days have been the best days in my entire life.


9th October 2005

Yay for Switzerland
I would buy you the entire Sarah J or Jo if you wanted me to without a souveneir, but thanks for thinking of me. I'm so glad you are having such an awesome time in Switzerland. Did you give those animals some sugah? Were they more receptive than the dogs on the back road at the retreat at 2 in the morning? Do you want to hear something exciting? I might be studying in France this summer. Woohoo. Now, nothing's official yet, but I'm working on it. I'll keep you updated. Oh, and I'm anxious for these pictures of Switzerland. Have I told you that I think you take the best pictures? B/c you do. Well, I gotta get ready for church. I love you.
9th October 2005

That's what I like to hear!!
10th October 2005

that is freakin incredible. I'm excited that you are having such an awesome time.
12th October 2005

Cool. Switzerland. land of the swiss. I didn't abandon you.

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