my run-in with a greek orthodontist

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October 6th 2005
Published: October 6th 2005
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went back to the dentist today so he could check and make sure that the infection had cleared up. it was all better, and he said i had done a very good job of cleaning my teeth in the past week. score. then he said "oh, you are in luck today, b/c our orthodontist is in!" i'm thinking "what, a treat, and why do i need an orthodontist?" so i see the orthodontist, who was very nice and spoke excellent english with almost no accent . this is what he had to say about the alignment of my teeth: Jesus. that makes me laugh. they really aren't that bad, although i probably do need to have my wisdom teeth taken out. whatev. haha, the greek orthodontist also said "the first thing that should be said is congratulations on what excellent dental hygiene you have." you see, claire and megan, there is some sort of reward for how i brush my teeth after every meal.

i am going to have to buy a lot of new pants i think. i have a pair of jeans and a pair of cordoroys. the jeans dont' fit well b/c unless i put them in the dryer they are too big for me. and for some reason my cordoroys stink and will not stop stinking. i guess our stupid washer just can't handle the task of cleaning them. but i'm definitely wearing them this weekend in switzerland, and keri and laura are definitely going to have to put up with my stench.

JD---it was great to hear from you. i've been wondering why you haven't left any comments or sent any messages. tell julie i said hello.

my train departs in 4 hours. woo hoo!

i saw in my copy of europe on a shoestring that there is a restaurant in interlaken that serves mexican food! i also just realized that i left this book at my apartment and we won't have the addresss. agg. i will find it, though, b/c i relaly need some mexican food.

must go to look up restaurants in interlaken.


6th October 2005

well, I am really glad your teeth are better. SO yesterday I was at school, checking my email, and these people start giving salsa dancing lessons right behind me. It was kind of annoying, because I was trying to hear some bands new song on purevolume, and it was rather difficult with all that salsa-ing going on behind me. oh, ha. Also, I got a message from this kid on facebook, in reply to my invitation to my group "Devon is wicked hot" that said "you are conceited". I laughed. Silly boys. oh and I saw your comment about those belts. I still haven't gotten a white one.
6th October 2005

Mexican Again!
Sarah- how could you be craving Mexican food, we only ate it every day this summer! LOL! I hope you found it. Have fun being a Swiss Miss. Michelle
6th October 2005

6th October 2005

.... sorry :3
i accidently sent in a blank comment! (/_\) you seem to have convinced the blacksmith to lower the price of the sword. have fun in switzerland!!! if you could, can you get me a pendant thingie for a necklace? like a religious catholicy pendant thingie :3 i want a souvenier toooooo T-T i have a shirt that smells musty no matter how many times i wash it. i still wear it. XD THE BLACKSMITH TURNS INTO A DRAGON AND EATS YOU!
9th October 2005

The S Pin
Hey, was your s stripey? Also, the ones they have now seem smaller than the ones you have. I might be remembering wrong. These are smaller than an inch. Does that sound right?

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