Abfahrt/Departure/Bags Waylayed

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Geneva
May 31st 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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On plane, Andrew watches the in flight movie 'Happy Feet' (foreshadowing end of trip visit to southern tip of South Africa) while Ray makes up for his self imposed no spirits rule in place for the last week of hectic preparations by enjoying a few very small bottles of Shiraz - from Sonoma on the first leg to London and from the Rhone on the second leg to Geneva. After movie over, Ray describes to Andrew his satisfaction in how much they accomplished and had organized and went on about details of possible improvements. Andrew kept his headphones on, pretending to listen, but actually not, which Ray was oblivious to.

Ray questions Jason, cabin steward, on second leg of flight, about meaning of term he uses to describe food on offer as 'sandwich style offering - cheese selection'. Jason offers another tiny bottle of shiraz.

Luggage retrieval in Geneva. Two bike panniers of Ray's did not show up on the baggage retrieval carousel. With typical Swiss efficiency, the lost baggage clerk knows this on Ray's entry into claim room.

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