Mid-summer pics!!:)

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Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County
June 24th 2009
Published: June 24th 2009
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building the midsummer pole
Hi everyone!😊
Happy summer! Its not so special in New Mexico. Its much hotter with no relief from the sun for days, but in Sweden it is a very much appreciated 2 week long season. My parents came to visit me a few weeks ago. At the airport I surprised them with a brand new huge lip ring HAHA Fred stayed quiet allowing my mom to do the freak out. She didn't though. She grabbed my face, quietly inspected it and calmly said, "I don't like it." When I pulled the fake ring off, her face overflowed with relief.
They stayed in my town for a couple days and I showed them all over. Then we went to the west coast of Sweden for a day and night. It didn't seem too long until we were on our way to Copenhagen. From Copenhagen we took an over night fairy to Oslo, Norway, then flew to Edinburgh, Scotland. After 5 days of driving all over Scotland and a bit of England we flew back to Sweden. They stayed for a total of 3 weeks and it was a blast. I will have the pictures from that trip very soon. They are currently

my host dad leading the song and dance
in NM where I am unable to reach them.
When I went back to Sweden I stayed on the west coast to celebrate mid summer with my host family. It was just like the books explained. We decorated sticks with leaves and flowers. We danced and sang around the tree for a good hour or so and then ate like there was no tomorrow! It was a nice evening, especially with the dancing around the tree part😊
This afternoon I am off to the south of Sweden to meet up with 65 other exchange students. Tomorrow we will begin our once in a life time experience of Euro Tour! I will have plenty of pictures to put up of that when I get back😊
After Euro tour I have 2 days on the west coast of Sweden and then I head home on the 15th of July. I cant believe it has been almost a full year already!
Big hugs to you all!!😊 *Rachel

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Everyone around the mid summer pole

the pole and us

dancing to one of the songs..we were hopping like frogs at this moment

me and my favorite host niece with our flower power caps haha

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