upcoming travels:)

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Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County
May 28th 2009
Published: May 28th 2009
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Hey y'all,
I hope your all have a easy end of the school year and start of summer. Yesterday was my last day of school. My class was really sweet and they had a small party for me with Strawberry and Raspberry cake. All I can say is YUM!
Today my parents are coming to visit me. They will stay in my town for 2 days and then we will start traveling around together. After they go home, I will go to the west coast to my host parents summer house for a few days before going off on Euro tour with all the other Swedish exchange students. Its really exciting! I cant believe I will be home in just over 6 weeks! I will try to write about my travels and celebrations of mid-summer while on the road and of course I will have tons of pictures to go with as soon as I get to it.
Big hugs! Rachel


28th May 2009

I am so freakin excited for you! Do everything you can and think of having a grand old time!! :D Miss you loads miss Rachel. see you soon!

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