Buying booze

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Europe » Sweden » Västra Götaland County » Gothenburg
August 17th 2006
Published: August 17th 2006
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In a previous blog I mentioned how the state runs all the booze outlets and the opening times are very limited. In Vasteras when we went to buy wine it was very modern as you were actually allowed to shop as we do in NZ. IE, walk around, pick up bottles, read the back of the label and decide what you want to buy.

In a suburb near to where Jeff lives in Gothenburg it is a different story. Here you walk into the shop (called Systembolaget) and you have to push a wee button to get a number........for a place in the queue. You then have to look at the booze through locked glass display cases. You can't pick up a bottle and read the back of the label etc. You have to decide what you want, write the number down then wait for your number to be called. When your number is called you go up to the counter and tell the person serving the number of the drink you want to buy. The shop assistant then goes and gets your poison of choice.

It was very, very bizarre!

Besides going for a walk to buy wine (for me, lol) and groceries, today has been a domestic chores day. We are up early tomorrow to get to the airport for the flight to Croatia. Yea Ha!!!!!!!!!


18th August 2006

How absolutely bizarre - as you say! And what sacrilege to the art of chosing a bottle of wine! Hard to believe that such a practice can exist in Europe. Do hope your flight to Croatia goes smoothly ! Hugs, Suzanne

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