Surprises and Fruit Salad

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January 19th 2006
Published: January 19th 2006
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Lunch at the HostelLunch at the HostelLunch at the Hostel

Diana, Mike, and Sue at lunch.
Hello Reader.

Stagnancy is something different. I have been so used to, in the past two months, moving and meeting and adapting. Now that I am officially living (albeit illegally) in Valencia, all that has slowed down so much. This is good because it is the chance I was waiting for to really soak up the Spanish culture. And bad because, by Spanish culture, I mean watching movies at Mike's apartment. I suppose this will change when I actually find a place to work.

As for the restaurant I was hoping to work at, I brought in my resumé and had a small informal interview with Dhani. He said that I would fit right in and that someone with my kind of experience is exactly what he was looking to find. Then he asked how long I would stay. I tried to give a vague answer like 'Oh, it could be anywhere from three months to a year and a half,' (keeping in mind that I would be on the move again by mid-April). He got specific and, because I am honest (sometimes too honest), I told him that he would have me for 'at least the next few
Mike Winding UpMike Winding UpMike Winding Up

Mike winding up with a frying pan... the red eyes were there before the picture was taken.
months' but he wouldn't find anyone better for the job. He explained that he was looking for someone to eventually take over the restaurant and needed a long term commitment. So, like a one-night stand, he said he'd call me.

I haven't put any effort into looking for a job since then. I did, however, meet Diana. Diana is a traveler from Argentina, who is living and working in Sweeden. I met her at the hostel and Mike, Sue, Jrisa, and myself all showed her a good time around the city. We played late night foosball at a nearly empty bar, (where, despite her claim of inexperience, she proceeded to kick our collective ass). We took her for tea the next day and watched The Goonies - only the best rainy day film ever. She stayed for a couple of days and left us a letter and chocolate when she left.

Besides that I have been reading Moby Dick and I have finally passed the hundred page mark, after a month. I underline parts of all my books. Though there are many, the following is a passage from 'the Dick' that stuck with me: 'But as in landlessness
Sarah and RoseSarah and RoseSarah and Rose

Sarah and Rose at the party... and some of Becks' hair.
alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God -- so, better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety!' After reading this entry, I told my parents that I have decided to travel for a living - a single sailboat with no port. They said that they would always keep dock waiting anyways.

I am already feeling the itch to move on.

So I did. I had received a message that Becks, Sarah, Rose, Monica (the one who lives in Barcelona), and Gerard were having a small party on Saturday night at Becks' place in Vilanova (just south of Barcelona). They told me about it, but were not expecting me to come on such short notice. But Eli, being the King of Surprises, and with little or nothing else going on, hopped on a bus and made the four hour journey to Barcelona. After catching a movie, (Barcelona has a theater that shows newly released films in their original version), I headed to Becks'. I knocked on the door and anounced that I was there to fix her pool. She opened the door and screamed.
Monica and GerardMonica and GerardMonica and Gerard

A couple of awesome peeps.
After a big hug, I presented the chocolate and pink sparkling wine which was reason for another scream and another hug. Sarah had a similar reaction to seeing my ugly mug, as did the others when they arrived. It was so good to see everyone again. We caught up, drank, and talked about how Nick should have been there. I got an email from Nick who told me he had surprised his family at home for Christmas and is planning to move to Barcelona at the end of February, barring a few obstacles. The night went smoothly, except for the smoothy. Sarah decided to blend some fruit, ice, and rum to make a fun drink. We were all for it, until we tasted it. Probably for the best, I truthfully didn't need to drink anymore anyways, I fell asleep on the couch within minutes of sitting down. I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to Monica and Gerard. I'm very sure I'll see them again soon.

The next day, Sunday, Rose, Sarah, Becks, and I watched a total of five dvds. One of them was 'Cursed' with Cristina Ricci. I believe she is an incredible actress, but not
Becks Feeding BobBecks Feeding BobBecks Feeding Bob

Even bears get hungry.
even her superior ability could save such a crappy film. Rose and I later got two gigantic pizzas that tasted mediocre and cost too much. After eating, I, the One-Drink Wonder, finished off almost a bottle and a half of wine by myself. I thought I remembered making out with Sarah, but that may have been just a dream... a sweet, sweet dream.

Rose, who by the way speaks four languages, left early Monday morning, without saying goodbye in any of them. (Maybe she did and I was just too, uh, asleep to notice.) It was raining again so Becks, Sarah, and I spent most of the day inside reading, eating potatoes, and watching the Spanish version of Big Brother. After seeing one of the girls on the show compltely freak out about someone breaking her toothbrush, then finding out that she, in fact, broke her own toothbrush, I resolved that it is best that I don't watch television anymore... it's pure trash, in any language. Later Monday night, Becks went to work, Sarah for an interview at a bar, and I to the internet cafe. Upon returning home, I found Sarah sobbing and crying on her bed. I
Just Down the StreetJust Down the StreetJust Down the Street

A couple of weeks prior to my revisit to Becks' apartment, two Al Qaeda members were apprehended a few blocks away. Becks' and Sarah feel safer knowing that it's unlikely that they would bomb their own town.
asked her what was wrong and she said she was fine. So I told her she's probably just on her period and walked out.

...just kidding.

I sat on the edge of her bed and listened to her while rubbing her. (Rubbing her back, for you perverts out there.) She was confused and uncertain. She had moved to Barcelona 'on a whim' without thinking it through and hadn't found a job in two months. When Becks came home later, they talked on the balcony about if Sarah really wanted to be there or not. I learned two things: It takes a lot of guts for Sarah to just up an leave everything she knows and live in another country, and Becks is supremely supportive and would make a great mother.

We went inside and watched 'Two Sisters,' a Korean horror flick (dubbed in Spanish) that was equally scary and confusing, then I fought off the nightmares as I fell asleep. Those Asians sure know how to do scary.

On Tuesday, I caught a bus back to Valencia because I was having withdraws from not eating an orange in days. We passed a number of prostitutes standing

Laughing at Mike, a treasured pastime.
on the side of the highway, their presence only frightened me after seeing the movie 'Monster.' We had to pull over once to the side of the road because a woman on-board was feeling sick. We continued on after a short time and the driver announced that everything was okay... that she was just on her period.

I finally arrived in Valencia only to find that Diana had had her bag stolen in Barcelona and wanted to be around people she knew wouldn't steel anything before she finally returns home on Friday. I think the real reason she came back is because Valencia is, in actuality, a black hole that sucks in travelers by the dozens... and she missed me. =) Mike has also returned home from seeing his brother (and meeting Caitlin) in London.

On Wednesday night, I made pasta at the hostel for Mike and Diana. I had bought a bottle of wine for less than a euro, but I was sure to take it easy. Later we all went to O'Hara's Bar for another fun night out with my hodgepodge of friends. I drank a beer that tasted a little bit like bananas and made
Beauty in the MakingBeauty in the MakingBeauty in the Making

Jrisa, Mike, and Diana at the hostel.
everyone laugh by 'inviting' (as apposed to inventing) new Spanish words. We (Diana, Jrisa, Sue, Mike, and myself) had a really great time. I later went back to Mike and Jrisa's house and crashed on their couch... so did Diana... except on different couches.

At the bar though, I met a group of Americans who had just moved to study in Valencia. They were from Atlanta - well, UGA to be exact, but some grew up in Atlanta. I told them I'd have to get a few e-mail addresses before they left and went to sit down with the others. After a couple of hours, they ended up leaving without saying anything. I was upset and relived at the same time. While traveling, I almost shun other Americans. I figure I didn't travel half-way round the world to meet people that I could have met in the US. But, at the same time, I can't help but feel nostalgic and comforted by my fellow brothas and sistas. It's a love-hate relationship that just might be inescapable. I know that to expand myself, I need to step outside what I know and embrace what is foreign... but it's just so
THE Fruit SaladTHE Fruit SaladTHE Fruit Salad

A beautiful creation.
warm and familiar inside that bubble, isn't it?

Diana left the next day, after we all made some really kick-ass fruit salad for lunch. Hard again to say goodbye, but definitely awesome that she got her bag stolen in Barcelona... I mean, it was good to see her again.

The episode with Sarah has made me realize that I need to stop living languidly and take full advantage of my time here in Spain. I will be translating my resumé and buying some running shoes. Both of which I hope will serve me well.

Additional photos below
Photos: 10, Displayed: 10


My ApartmentMy Apartment
My Apartment

That's Carlos on the left and the lack of couches on the right.

19th January 2006

busy man
traveling back and forth and back and forth, isn't that getting expensive? Or is that just all the wine and beer you drink. lol there ARE other beverages in the world eli ;) Sucks to hear the girl had her bag stolen, but she was probably on her period and deserved it. lol :)
19th January 2006

From a distance
From a distance(Bet Midler) - sorry I don't know where that came from. Seemed like an appropriate intro hehe!!!!It is great to hear from you again. We all miss you!!! I am glad that you are having fun and are safe!!! Now that stupid song is stuck in my head jeeze!!! Hugs-n-kisses
19th January 2006

Glad to hear from you sweetie.. tell valencia i said hello and eat an orange for me !! love YOU!!
20th January 2006

thanks for last night
Last night was the most magical night of my life Eli. Thank you so much for your tenderness and loving touch. You light up my life. Besos
22nd January 2006

the consistency is reassuring
Nice to hear that apart from your brief foray to barcelona your routine remains unchanged from when I was there in December. Hope Mike showed you his impressive collection of scars from the London trip (and I am concerned that he is sending you besos). Love to you both 
23rd January 2006

I prefer the Eli's!
23rd January 2006

I pressed enter before I even began to type. Sorry I haven't said hello sooner. not having internet at home and work blocks all personal websites makes it hard. Just want to say hello. Hope all is well. Miss you and look forward to your return. Ba bye!!

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