The final leg of a quixotic journey to the End of the World and back

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May 15th 2013
Published: May 15th 2013
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We left Asturias last Friday morning in heavy rain. For most of the journey over the mountains back into Castille we were driving up in the clouds, with very poor visibility. It was at this point that we were totally convinced that we were doing the right thing by heading home. We had sort of felt like persevering rather than being "fair weather campers" fleeing from a bit of rain, but driving through these rain clouds we knew that it was a pointless excercise to stay i.e. we couldn´t see the mountains that we had come to hike in! We didn´t see any blue sky until we got down to the province of Palencia. Our 356 km journey took about five hours, to a campsite about 100 km north of Madrid near a small town called Riaza in Segovia province. There was still some traces of snow on the hills and it was damp, soggy and cold. We chilled out in Riaza on Saturday (not wanting to tow around Madrid on a Saturday) and then on Sunday morning we started the seven hour journey home to the sunshine (560 km).

So ends this trip, but this blog will merely be put in abeyance until late Summer/early Autumn, all being well and weather permitting, when we shall return to Asturias and the Picos to see the bits we missed this time! It has been a great trip and also an economical one. We drove 3,256 km in total and spent 358 euros on diesel and 449 euros on camp fees (an average of just 16 euros daily).

Hasta la proxima!


17th May 2013

Such a shame
We know how you felt, following in your tracks we are hitting horrendous conditions with zero temps and snow. Gone for plan M, get a hotel and head to Portugal asap. Hope your back on the road again soon.

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