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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
May 26th 2005
Published: March 7th 2006
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Hey, what´s up everyone. Today is my third full day here in Madrid...and I am loving it. I arrived in Europe no problem. I took the metro to the Weaver´s house (missionaries in London that I met through Kent) and arrived there about 1130pm. Brian was up waiting for me and then took me to the rail station at 430am!! I am very grateful. I made it to Paris ok, but I missed my connection train to Madrid. But there was one leaving a couple hours later, so everything was all good. And I was able to check out Paris for a couple of hours!! I had a pannini and a crepe (with bananas and nutella...it was delicious) and then headed for the Champs Ellysees and the Arc De Triumphe. On the way I passed by the Eiffel Tower...it was pretty amazing to think...holy cow...I´m in Paris! What was pretty cool about Paris was that all the streets are named after incredibly important people. People like Roosevelt, Sarte, and Pasteur to name a few. But it was every street with the famous people. You can´t just sense the history.

My train left at 350pm and I arrived in Madrid at 735am, with a train switch and 45 min layover in Irun in Southwestern France. There were 5 other people in my sleeper room, 4 Canadians and a French girl. By the way, French women are soooo unbelievably hot. And I was only there for a few hours. So many beautiful women. Anyway, I´m getting sidetracked. The Canadians were pretty cool. They had been many places in Europe already. They shared a couple of swigs of there wine they had picked up somewhere along the line. The sleep was actually pretty good on the train. That is my trip through Paris...I have been in Madrid for three days staying with Zac Mcgowen in his residence hall. I am starving though...so I will write about that later. I hope everyone is doing well. Peace.


26th May 2005

Hey stud
Danimal, Don't have much time cause I gotta get to work, but it sounds like you're havin a sweet time out there bro. Lemme know what you think of the culture over there bro, I'm interested to know what a psych major thinks about these people. I'll write ya more when I have time to check out what you're doin more. Later bro. Stay true to the Lord out there ;) Peace stud - Kipsey
26th May 2005

Hot chics...
Guess I'll have to wait for more info on that topic... bugger ;0) I'm glad you are having a good time... did you try Pharmacia? (the restaurant that Cyril reccomended?) and.. where are the pics? I'm going to let the kids type in their own comments, Love and miss you bunches!! Maggie- Have you been in a jet? Is it hot or cold there? I love you as much as Rachel Hale. Ruth- I love you - Bek
26th May 2005

Hey - your travel sounds wonderful. Did you see or hear about the explosion? Please let me know you are safe. xoxoxo dsm - hollyb@streetlevelagency.com
26th May 2005

hey from home
hey that sounds so crazy!!! French women are hot uh??? LOL Eiffel Tower that must have been amazing!!! Crazy though.. well hey MacKenzie is crying better tend to her, talk to you soon! - angie
27th May 2005

Miss You!!!!!
Hey! I miss you! Are u havin fun?....well who wouldn't????? Well talk to u laters!!!! Lov ya and miss u!! Rach - Rachel Hale
27th May 2005

Wait, what about hot chicks???
Haha, yes I guess Bek and the rest of us will have to hear more about that area of your expertise....:P. So hope all is well and fantabulous, why would I say that, you're in Spain! Anyway, have fun in Madrid, and meeting up with Cyril, hope to hear more! - the Asian one

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