Madrid - City and the Prado Museum

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April 24th 2005
Published: May 17th 2005
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City of MadridCity of MadridCity of Madrid

Puerta del Sol
This is our first full day in Spain, and what a full day it ends up being! Unfortunately, I'm still sick, but damn it, I'm not about to miss out on the Prado!

After a good night's rest and a stop at the corner Starbucks....I know, I know....we head out to walk to the Prado.

Along the way we come to the Puerta del Sol, the square central to Madrid's famous sights. We pass by the governor’s office (the large red and white building in the picture), the courthouse, and take the obligatory picture of the city's symbol, the bear and the strawberry bush. We pass several fabulous looking bakeries and the 'Museo del Jamon' which is packed with ham lovers - of which there are many in Spain.

We find the Prado after a bit of confusion, but alas there seems to be a city marathon going on and entry to the Prado is blocked for at least half a we are forced to walk half a mile past the Prado, and then back track another half a mile to get there! I would say all in all we walked at least three miles today, not counting the walking we did inside the Prado. Once in the Prado we quickly realize we need to buy guidebooks, which we purchase in the gift store. Then we spend some time trying to figure out where we are going, and thankfully Peggy mapped it out for us. We take a late lunch break inside the Prado's cafeteria, during which I almost faint. Unfortunately I'm still feeling ill and I haven't fully regained my appetite. But I feel better once we start walking around again.

We see and admire some of the Prado's main works, including:

My Favorites:
Roger Van Der Weyden — Descent From the Cross (El Descendimiento)
Bosch — The Garden of Delights (El Jardin de las Delicias)
Rubens — The Three Graces (Las Tres Gracias)
Velázquez — The Maids of Honor (Las Meninas)
Velázquez - Mars (Marte)
Goya — Nude Maja (La Maja Desnuda) and Clothed Maja (La Maja Vestida)

Notable (not among my favorites, but quite interesting):
Goya’s dark paintings:
Goya — The Witches' Sabbath (El Aquelarre)
Goya — Saturn Devouring One of His Sons (Saturno)

We leave the Prado after spending about 4 hours there. On the way back we check out the 17th century, quaint cobbled stoned square, Plaza Mayor, with its statue of Phillip III in the center.

Then we are off to find Rick Steve’s recommended bar for a refreshment break, La Taurina Cerveceria, which showcases photographs of the earlier days of bullfighting, matador costumes and stuffed bull heads. While there a couple from the States saw our Rick Steve’s book and told us he was in Madrid now and staying at their hotel. I’m a huge Rick fan and think how cool it would be to come across him while we’re here.

We arrive back at the hotel in time for another ‘refreshment break’ and opt to visit the Chocolateria San Gines for a sampling of Spain’s famous churros con chocolate. Very low cal, you believe me don’t you? Later, the girls are off for a bite to eat, but I’m exhausted and so opt to stay in and rest.


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