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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
March 21st 2006
Published: March 27th 2006
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So I have a feeling this week is going to be a little stressful. I have a lot of work to do already and I have plans all week. School was school. I went to class, I answered e-mails, I probably fell asleep accidentally. I did find out that I have negative $128 in the bank. That’s always a good thing. I didn’t translate the euros into dollars and then bought the STOMP tickets on the same card. Whoops. Good thing I have money in my savings account or I would have been screwed. I really wanted to go shopping too! I still haven’t bought anything for myself, let alone other people. I only have two months left! Eekkk!

I did have fun tonight though. We went to a ¨ballet¨ It was called a ballet, but it was really like traditional dance in Spain. It was really cool. The first half I almost feel asleep because the music was so chill and I was mad tired, but the second half work me up. It was a lot of flamenco with stomping and clapping and Dali backgrounds. I sat next to Emilio and he helped me out a little. There was no talking but I didn’t know if this one person was a guy or a girl! It was a guy. Good thing for them! I wish we got to hang out with Emilio and Maria more. They are really cool, but all the Spanish people here are so busy! And they wonder why we never learn! Oh well. Perhaps we’ll hang out again.

After the ballet was over I thought I was going to pass out I was so hungry. But you know Concha, she will never let a sista down when it comes to food! For some ridiculous reason we took a taxi home instead of the metro. I didn’t mind. I got to eat quicker!

Tonight I finally popped the pills. I’m so tired of being sick. My goal is to be better by next week so benedryl allergy and Tylenol cold are my new best friends. But I better get on that homework. It´s gonna be a long night. Ciao.


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