A Little Sketchy

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
March 16th 2006
Published: March 22nd 2006
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Another day at school, and another night on the town. It was Amy’s last full night in Madrid, so I told her I would come hang out with her. We met at this place in Bilbao called Casa de Cerveza. When we got there the bouncer wanted to charge us ten bucks each to go in. I told him I wasn’t drinking and he told me it didn’t matter. So Amy came out, pretended we were coming for our birthday and he let us in for five bucks each. Thanks jerk!
It was a good thing that Carla decided to come though, otherwise I would have been lonely. Amy was so drunk. She didn’t know what she was doing half the time. She introduced me to her friends so I kind of had other people I could hang out with, or at least that I recognized and could dance with if I wanted to.

Amy was trying mad hard to get with this one guy. She has liked him for a while, and thought that since this was her last night, she might as well try to get a little kiss. Usually she is a really good dancer, but when she’s drunk, she has no rhythm! All I could do was laugh. I felt bad because they guy was totally not digging her. Also, I found out later, that Amy’s “friend” also thought he was cute and was trying to beat Amy to him. My “friend” woulda been knocked out!

So we were dancing for a while. Carla found some guy to hang out with and I just stood on the wall. I was getting really tired. Lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me and it was not a good thing. This guy Daniel and his friend Julio saw me standing alone, got brave, and came and talked to me. I don’t know where it came from, but all of a sudden I was speaking Spanish! I couldn’t believe it. I don’t know how my mind was even functioning, but I was busting out. Dani told me that I had a really good accent, but that I needed to work on my grammar. Yeah, I know. Thanks! Hahaha.

Amy was supposed to tell us when her and her friends were going to Pacha, but she was too drunk to remember we were with her and she left! I thought maybe they had just gone outside or something, but they were gone! Some other guy we had met earlier was sitting at the door and asked if we wanted to go to a club with him. Carla and I had held out while we were dancing, so we told him yeah. Dani and Julio came with us. We had to wait for them to get their jackets out of the car and we lost the other two guys we were with!

So we were stuck with Dani and Julio. We told them that we wanted to go dancing and they told us they knew a place where there was good music and more hot guys than ugly ones. Too bad that place was closed. We told them that we wanted to go to Pacha. They told us it was a long walk and that the music was horrible. They also told us it was expensive. We asked them how expensive and they told us 15. Usually clubs are only ten and we get in for free anyway. Well, we couldn’t have gone to Pacha anyway because I only had 13 on me and Carla only had 14. I know, why walk around with so little money, but those 13 or 14 euro last us a long time!

So they tried to take us to another place and there was literally 30 people in there. What a joke! So we went in anyway so we didn’t have to stand out in the cold. We talked for a while. We asked them how to use certain phrases and they taught us Spanish. Then we taught them a little English. Things started to get weird when they started hitting on us hard core. They came out with some Spanish pick up lines, compliments, and said they were falling in love with us, and Carla and I decided it was time to bounce.

So we went outside and somehow ended up talking even longer! We tried tongue twisters and whatever. Carla and I tried to leave, but when you don’t know where you are or how to get home, it’s a little difficult. They asked if they could drive us home. We didn’t know what to say. Yes, the logical answer to this question is “no” but when you are stranded, it’s hard to resist. So we said “yes.” Ekkkk!

We got in the car and I told Carla if anything got sketchy, we’re jumping. We had to buckle up though because these Madrid drivers are crazy. So we started driving and all these English songs were playing. Carla and I were singing along and they told us we sung like angels. You all know Vonnie can’t sing to save her life, so they were straight up lying!
We started recognizing things and decided these boys were good for their word. We figures out how to get to Carla’s house and dropped her off first. Then I was alone. I told them I could walk from there, but they insisted on taking me home. I finally saw my metro and told them how to get to my street. They were cleaning my street, so we couldn’t get to it by car. I told them where to drop me off and they refused to let me walk home alone. Oh Lord!
So I got to my door and tried to say goodbye. Of course this kid wanted a kiss. What is with these Spanish guys and kisses! I told him I don’t kiss on the first date. He said something to me like, the first date is dancing and the second is the kiss. I thought he said “cerveza” instead of “se besa” and I was like, I don’t drink! Oh, I love making a fool of myself. So I gave him my number and rolled out. Yes, four hours of sleep! That’s two times more hours than I got yesterday!


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