Always hungry

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February 23rd 2006
Published: March 7th 2006
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In composition class I learned how to accept and reject something. I thought I was doing it right, but apparently not! That’s why everyone knows we are Americans! I thought composition was going to be a lot of writing, but it’s a lot of group work and practicing what we learn with partners. Monica goes around and listens in on everyone’s conversations and points out common mistakes. It’s so tight cuz it’s a really small class and I already know almost everyone. I love chill classes like that. But I do have three pages of homework and that sucks!

Arte was a pretty good class today. It’s really interesting stuff. I love learning about history and how things came about. I hope we also learn like what different things in paintings mean and reasons behind the painting. I think right now is just an introduction so we have to learn a little about the past and take crazy notes. Whatever, as long as I understand and do well, she can teach whatever she wants!

Cine is gonna be a trip though. My mind doesn’t function after 4 o’clock and that class is from 4-7. We took an hour of notes and then we got a descanso. That was amazing cuz I was about to fall asleep. Then we watched some short films and commented on what we took notes about. It’s not going to be real hard, but she’s big on participation and I am too lazy to participate in big classes. There’s like 50 people. Why I need to talk?! Hahaha. I guess I’ll work on that.

So it definitely snowed today. Are you serious? What is that trash? It wasn’t even that cold. I don’t know what’s going on with this weather, but it better straighten out because this weekend has to be amazing!

The bad thing about eating at school is that you don’t eat a lot so you’re always snaking and you always want to eat a big dinner. I came home and finished everything on my plate. Now I can’t even move to go take a shower. Food might be the death of me. I love it so much and I have no self control. Lord help me!
Oh, and I will be talking about food a lot because it is the love of my life. So you might wanna get used to it!


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