Arrival in Espana

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Europe » Spain » District of Madrid
September 7th 2007
Published: October 2nd 2007
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The feeling right before going on a trip is my favorite feeling in the world. There's the perfect combination of hope, excitement, fear, mystery, and adventure all wrapped into one. If there were a drug to replicate this feeling, consider me an addict.

Thursday, Sept. 6th, I left New Paltz, and headed for JFK International Airport with no regrets or hesitation. I couldn't help but feel proud that I was really going through with it. All my life I had said I would, and imagined myself doing it, but it's really happening. Right now. I worked hard for this, and feel I'm truly being rewarded. It was difficult saying goodbye to everyone, yet a bittersweet. This summer, people constantly told me how much of a great experience this will be and how much I will learn about myself. Of course I believed them, but there was still a hint of doubt in the back of my mind. people must have bad experiences, right? Soon, I will find out for myself and all the questions will be answered. It's impossible to describe the euphorically scared feeling I had in my gut. I have always known I wanted to travel and experience life in other countries, but I haven't been put to the test quite yet.

My flight was scheduled for 7;05pm, through Air France. At airport security, I had to say goodbye to my parents. I could see their worry in their faces, but also that they were happy for me. I felt a lump in my throat, but tried to tough it out. No tears. Besides, I couldn't have my first impression to my classmates be of me crying could it? After waving through the thick lines of people and machines, I searched for my gate. There, I met up with a couple classmates and fellow travelers. It was awesome being together who share the same passion as you. Everyone seems cool and laid back. I met Jamie, Dorota, JC, and Evan at the gate. There was another group of students across the way, and we were both eyeing each other, wondering if they belonged to the same program. They did. Mostly everyone took the group flight. Many were seated together on the plane, yet I managed not be. Instead I was next to a woman who spoke only French, which I know none of, and a quite large man. Rough.

By the time our plane finally took off it was around 9:00pm. Crappy seat, but there were personal T.V. screens for everyone. You can watch movies, TV, play games, see what it looks like outside, and more. Not too shabby. They served us dinner and then everyone tried to sleep. It was difficult for me to sleep: with the excitement of what lay ahead and the guy taking over part of my seat, my head was elsewhere. Getting closer to Degaulle in Paris, we realized we were going to miss our connecting flight to Madrid. Conveniently, the held the plane for us, considering there were over 20 people. 2 hours later and we landed in Spain. Home for the next three and a half months. By this time I've been awake for almost 50 hours, and it's only noon.

After collecting my luggage we met Miguel, who had a bus waiting to take us to Hostal Aguillar. At this point I'm a zombie, and it's not hitting me at all. We stop by the hostal, get our rooms and drop off our bags. Then back to the bus for a short bus tour of Madrid. I was in a room with Dorota, Jessica, and Nadine. Everyone seems awesome. Miguel is the coolest activities director ever, and has the best job ever.

After the tour we had a tapas dinner, which was alright, but not enough. We were starving. Then, we went out for the first time. We found this little bar and had our first glasses of Sangria. SOOOOOO good. And that's an understatement. It's the real deal. So are mojitos, they put a ton of mint leaves and sugar in it. MMmmMM. Everyone is exhausted and it turns into an early night.

Buona noche!

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