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July 26th 2005
Published: March 7th 2006
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Word up kiddies! I´m back in Madrid again and able to write you all some more lovely posts. Yesterday was a national holiday in Spain, so everything was basically closed, schools, banks, stores etc. Needless to say the spanish are back to their usual routine, consisting largely of eating, drinking and sleeping and not much else. When in rome....

Barcellona was definatley a good time. The comminuty itself is nearly as large as Madrid and constructed in much the same manner. Its metropolitan, as you might imagine, but much more personal in nature. Construction ranges in terms of age, as the city is much older than Madrid, so interesting edifeces and sights abound. Being both on the Mediteranean and near the border of France, the city also exudes a slightly more European feel, coupled with the laid back atmosphere of a beach town. The resulting atmosphere is one full of character and international flavor. In short, I liked it.

We did all manner of touristy sight-seeing, such as visiting many of the works of Gaudy, the spanish born architect from whom the term Gawdy was berthed. The Sagrada Familia, the huge cathedral in progress in central Barcellona, is only half way done but already a monument to the marvels of mankind. The Museo de Picasso houses much of the artists early works, depicting a progresion from aspiring portraitist to cubist forerunner to malcontent genious. The itenerary also included a lengthy stay at the beach, which I can assure you was wholeheartedly European, that is to say much more liberal in terms of attire, or lack thereof.

The nights housed trips down Ramblas, the so called ´strip´of Barcellona. Walking with the multitudes of people that lined its paved streets, we gazed upon street performers of all types. We sat at the streetside bars and restaurants, lavishly caufing sangria while being serenaded by clowns, painters, acrobats and musicians. We were kings as we watched the passerbys scramble for our pleasure, and each second was to be cherished.

I am glad to be back in Madrid though, a far cleaner, cheaper and, for me, homlier city. Barcellona, however, certainly would warrant a lengthy stay in its own right, perhaps with some a party of people ready to fiesta. I would have liked to enjoy that aspect during my stay but it just wasn´t the occassion, due to some outstanding circumstances.

But, Madrid has come to be my home here, I´ve discovered comfort in my paths and routines, and have settled in. I have less than two weeks left here, but still three weeks in total before my return. Its started to seem like a very long time, and its becoming a bit daunting. I miss most of you...... he he, well all of you. ;-) I miss home and being near the people I love. I have made many friends here in Madrid, and the lot of them are wonderful people whose company I enjoy dearly; however there are times when you really feel just how irreplacable certain people are in your life.

I have many pictures, and if possible I will go back and begin adding them to the logs. The computers are free at school, but often don´t have the the attributes necessary to allow me to publish my pictures, but one day I will pay for a better service and get it done.

Until next time and with much love....john


26th July 2005

Stuff I don't know how I know
I might be wrong, but I think Barcelona was at one time the capital of Spain. I'm sure I heard that on Jeporady or the History Channel or something to that effect. So here's the $64,000 question cause I'm pig and everybody knows that: are the chicks hotter in Spain or are Latina woman here better? Look at me always thinking with my dong. Have fun, the blogs are great, and enjoy this experience. I'm lucky if I can to Orlando let alone another country. Talk to you soon.
26th July 2005

Yer wall looked empty, so naturally, I decided to decorate. I´m glad you´re cheering up Johnny Boy! We understand what you´re going through in this Spainness. Not much can replace your home, but remember, each minute that passes here is gone forever. Relish in it. Vale Chicos. 0=)
26th July 2005

26th July 2005

El John?
27th July 2005

I don´t believe was the capitol, at one time it was Toledo, but the city outgrew the small area it encompased. Madrid has only been the capitol for a few hundred years.... spain is in all kinds of political turmoil though, with the Cataluynan´s in Barcelona and the Basques in the west both vying for independance.

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