Last Day with the Boys

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June 9th 2005
Published: June 9th 2005
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So, Andy and I are at the internet cafe spending some quality time as brother and sister on our last day together. I leave tomorrow morning for Barcelona to catch my plane the next day to Paris. We are going to go see the Museo del Prado and the Cathedral today and meet Dulce later for a drink on her favorite Terrazza.
The boys met some Germans at their hostel who were traveling with their school. Andy had a chance to practice his German skills and faired pretty well according to one girl. The boys leave on Sunday for Barcelona and stay until Thursday when they leave for Rome. I think we are all looking forward to the part of our trip where we can see water and just dive in at last. Madrid is ridiculously hot, and being in a city as busy as this, there is really no escape from the heat.
Hope all is well in Omaha and abroad. Will continue to update the blog, even without updates from the boys. If anyone has an itch to call me, (after Saturday because I canĀ“t receive calls until I recharge my account in France) my number is 01133699464932. Adios from Madrid.

Jeanette and Andy


9th June 2005

what the ?
jeanette!! bonjour we cannot find your online photo gallery! donde esta el galleria de fotos? please tell us :) bye! mia and jenna - mia and jenna
10th June 2005

Now I can be like everyone else, that is jealous when we sit at home reading all the fun you have! :) See you in Sweden...right?! :) - Sandra

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